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June 16th, 2024

435.0000 Family Ericaceae Juss.; Gen. Pl.: 159 (1789), nom. cons.
127 genera, ca. 4500 spp. The inclusion of Empetraceae, Pyrolaceae, Epacridaceae and Monotropaceae follows conclusive molecular evidence.
Species listed in database: 4540; hybrids: 125
= Andromedaceae Döll; Rhein. Fl.: 428 (1843)
= Arbutaceae Bromhead; Mag. Nat. Hist., n. s. 4: 337, 338 (1840)
= Arctostaphylaceae J.Agardh; Theoria Syst. Pl.: 106 (1858)
= Azaleaceae Vest; Anleit. Stud. Bot.: 272, 294 (1818)
= Diplarchaceae Klotzsch; Allgem. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeit. 3: 230 (1857)
= Empetraceae Hook. & Lindl.; W. J. Hook., Fl. Scot.: 297 (1821), nom. cons.
= Epacridaceae R.Br.; Prodr.: 535 (1810), nom. cons.
= Hypopityaceae Klotzsch; Linnaea 24: 11 (1851)
= Ledaceae J.F.Gmel.; Allg. Gesch. Pflanzengifte, ed. 2: 404 (1803)
= Menziesiaceae Klotzsch; Linnaea 24: 11 (1851)
= Monotropaceae Nutt.; Gen. N. Amer. Pl. 1: 272 (1818), nom. cons.
= Oxycoccaceae A.Kern.; Pflanzenleben 2: 713, 714 (1891)
= Prionotaceae Hutch.; Evol. Phylog. Fl. Pl.: 306 (1969)
= Pyrolaceae Lindl.; Syn. Brit. Fl.: 175 (1829), nom. cons.
= Rhododendraceae Juss.; Gen. Pl.: 158 (1789)
= Rhodoraceae Vent.; Tabl. Règne Vég. 2: 449 (1799)
= Salaxidaceae J.Agardh; Theoria Syst. Pl.: 104 (1858)
= Salazariaceae F.A.Barkley; Phytologia 32: 304 (1975)
= Stypheliaceae Horan.; Prim. Lin. Syst. Nat.: 72 (1834)
= Vacciniaceae DC. ex Perleb; Vers. Arzneikr. Pfl.: 228 (1818), nom. cons.
435.3002 Genus Arctostaphylos Adans.; Fam. 2: 165 (1763)
Distribution: mostly Pacific coastal North America, south to Mexico; some holarctic
Species listed in database: 73; hybrids: 11
= Arctous (A.Gray) Nied.; Engl. et Prantl, Natürl. Pflanzenfam. 4: I. (1889) 48
= Daphnidostaphylis Klotzsch; Linnaea 24: 79 (1851)
= Mairania Bubani; Fl. Pyren. 2: 6 (1899)
= Mairrania Neck.; Elem. 1: 219 (1791)
= Schizococcus Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 98 (1934)
= Uva-ursi Duhamel; Traité Arbr. Arbust. 2: 371 (1755), nom. rej.
= Xerobotrys Nutt.; Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. N. S. 8: 267 (1843)
= Xylococcus Nutt.; Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. N. S. 8: 258 (1843)
species :
Arctostaphylos alpinus (L.) Spreng.; Syst. Veg. 2: 287 (1825)
Name: Alpen-Bärentraube (DE), Alpine bearberry (EN)
Distribution: England; +Denmark; Norway; Sweden; Finland; Germany (Bayern); Switzerland; Liechtenstein; Austria; Slovakia; N-Spain (Pyrenees); France; Italy; Slovenia; Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Serbia; Kosovo; North Macedonia; Albania; N-European Russia; W-European Russia; Siberia (Altai, Buryatia, Chita, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, W-Siberia, Yakutia); Russian Far East (Amur, Kamchatka, Khabarovsk, Kuril Isl., Magadan, Primorye, Sakhalin); Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; China (Gansu, Nei Mongol, Qinghai, Shaanxi, N-Sichuan, Xinjiang); Mongolia; Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu); Alaska; Greenland; Canada (British Columbia, Labrador, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Northern Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Québec, Yukon); St. Pierre et Miquelon; USA (Maine, New Hampshire)
Synonyms: hidden
= Arbutus alpina L.; Sp. Pl. 1: 395 (1753)
= Arctostaphylos alpina (L.) Spreng.; Syst. Veg. ed. 16. 2: 287 (1825)
= Arctostaphylos alpina var. japonica (Nakai) Hultén; Fl. Kamtchatka 4: 35 (1930)
= Arctous alpina (L.) Nied.; Engl. et Prantl, Natürl. Pflanzenfam. 4: I. (1889) 48
= Arctous alpina subsp. japonica (Nakai) Tatew.
= Arctous alpina var. japonica (Nakai) Ohwi; Fl. Jap.: 905 (1953)
= Arctous japonica Nakai; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 35: 134 (1921)
= Mairania alpina (L.) Desv.; J. Bot. Agric. 1: 37 (1813)
= Uva-ursi alpina (L.) Gray; Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 401 (1821)
= Vaccinium merkii Fisch. ex Herder; Act. Hort. Petrop. 1: 323 (1871 publ. 1872)
species :
Arctostaphylos andersonii A.Gray; Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 9: 83 (1876)
Name: Santa Cruz manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos andersonii var. pajaroensis J.E.Adams ex McMinn; Man. Calif. Shrubs: 418 (1939)
= Uva-ursi andersonii (A.Gray) Abrams; N. Amer. Fl. 29: 98 (1914)
species :
Arctostaphylos auriculata Eastw.; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 202 (1905)
Name: Mt. Diablo manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Uva-ursi auriculata (Eastw.) Abrams; N. Amer. Fl. 29: 98 (1914)
= Arctostaphylos andersonii var. auriculata (Eastw.) Jeps.; Madroño 1: 88 (1922)
species :
Arctostaphylos australis Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 4: 4 (1944)
Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Norte)
79 MEX
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos australis var. sericea W.Knight; Four Seasons 7(1): 16 (1984)
species :
Arctostaphylos bakeri Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 115 (1934)
subspecies :
subsp. bakeri
Name: Baker´s manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos manzanita subsp. bakeri (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 202 (1968)
= Arctostaphylos pungens subsp. bakeri (Eastw.) Roof; Four Seasons 5(2): 17 (1976)
= Arctostaphylos stanfordiana subsp. bakeri (Eastw.) J.E.Adams; J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 56: 19 (1940)
subspecies :
subsp. sublaevis P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 8(2): 63 (1988)
Name: The Cedars manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos bicolor (Nutt.) A.Gray; Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 7: 866 (1868)
Name: Mission manzanita
Distribution: USA (California); Mexico (Baja California Norte, Baja California Sur)
76 USA 79 MEX
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos bicolor (Nutt.) Brandegee; Proc. Calif. Acad. Ser. II. 2: 181 (1889), isonym
= Arctostaphylos clevelandii A.Gray; Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 12: 61 (1877)
= Arctostaphylos veatchii Kellogg; Proc. Calif. Acad. 2: 19 (1863)
= Comarostaphylis bicolor (Nutt.) Klotzsch; Linnaea 24: 78 (1851)
= Xylococcus bicolor Nutt.; Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. N. S. 8: 259 (1843)
species :
Arctostaphylos bolensis P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 9(2): 50 (1992)
Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Norte)
79 MEX
species :
Arctostaphylos canescens Eastw.; Proc. Calif. Acad. Ser. III. 1: 84 (1897)
subspecies :
subsp. canescens
Name: Hoary manzanita
Distribution: USA (California, Oregon)
73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos candidissima Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 3: 124 (1942)
= Arctostaphylos canescens f. candidissima (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 332 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos canescens var. candidissima (Eastw.) Munz; Aliso 4: 95 (1958)
subspecies :
subsp. sonomensis (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 333 (1988 publ. 1989)
Name: Sonoma manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos canescens var. sonomensis (Eastw.) J.E.Adams ex McMinn; Man. Calif. Shrubs 409 (1939)
= Arctostaphylos sonomensis Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 78 (1933)
species :
Arctostaphylos catalinae P.V.Wells; Madrono 19: 193 (1968)
Name: Santa Catalina Island manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos caucasica (Kvaratskh.) Lipsch.; Not. Syst. Herb. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS 21: 290 (1961)
Distribution: Northern Caucasus; Georgia [Caucasus]
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. caucasica Kvaratskh.
species :
Arctostaphylos columbiana Piper; Piper & Beattie, Fl. N. W. Coast, 279 (1915)
Name: Hairy manzanita
Distribution: Canada (British Columbia); USA (California, Oregon, Washington State)
71 CDN 73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos columbiana f. setosissima (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 333 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos columbiana f. tracyi (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 334 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos columbiana var. tracyi (Eastw.) J.E.Adams ex McMinn; Man. Calif. Shrubs 408 (1939)
= Arctostaphylos setosissima Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 78 (1933)
= Arctostaphylos tracyi Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 79 (1933)
species :
Arctostaphylos confertiflora Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 122 (1934)
Name: Santa Rosa Island manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos subcordata var. confertiflora (Eastw.) Munz; Aliso 4: 95 (1958)
species :
Arctostaphylos cratericola (Donn.Sm.) Donn.Sm.; Bot. Gaz. 55: 437 (1913)
Distribution: Guatemala
80 GUA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos pungens var. cratericola Donn.Sm.; Bot. Gaz. 16: 13 (1891)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. cratericola (Donn.Sm.) P.V.Wells; Madrono 19: 205 (1968)
= Uva-ursi cratericola (Donn.Sm.) Abrams; Britton et al. (eds.), N. Amer. Fl. 29: 94 (1914)
species :
Arctostaphylos crustacea Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 74 (1933)
subspecies :
subsp. crustacea
Name: Brittleleaf manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos campbelliae Eastw.; Leafl. W. Bot. 1: 74 (1933)
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa var. campbelliae (Eastw.) J.E.Adams ex McMinn; Man. Calif. Shrubs: 417 (1939)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa subsp. crustacea (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 198 (1968)
subspecies :
subsp. crinita (J.E.Adams) V.T.Parker, M.C.Vasey & J.E.Keeley; Madroño 54(2): 152 (2007)
Name: Woollyleaf manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos crustacea var. tomentosiformis J.E.Adams; J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 56: 54 (1940)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa subsp. crinita (J.E.Adams ex McMinn) Gankin; Madrono 21(3): 148 (1971 publ. 1972)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa subsp. tomentosiformis (J.E.Adams) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 198 (1968)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa var. crinita J.E.Adams; Man. Calif. Shrubs 412 (1939)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa var. tomentosiformis (J.E.Adams) Munz; Aliso 4: 95 (1958)
subspecies :
subsp. eastwoodiana (P.V.Wells) V.T.Parker, M.C.Vasey & J.E.Keeley; Madroño 54(2): 152 (2007)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa subsp. eastwoodiana P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 197 (1968)
subspecies :
subsp. insulicola (P.V.Wells) V.T.Parker, M.C.Vasey & J.E.Keeley; Madroño 54(2): 152 (2007)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa subsp. insulicola P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 197 (1968)
subspecies :
subsp. rosei (Eastw.) V.T.Parker, M.C.Vasey & J.E.Keeley; Madroño 54(2): 152 (2007)
Name: Rosy manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos crustacea var. rosei (Eastw.) McMinn; Man. Calif. Shrubs 413 (1939)
= Arctostaphylos rosei Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 77 (1933)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa subsp. rosei (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 198 (1968)
subspecies :
subsp. subcordata (Eastw.) V.T.Parker, M.C.Vasey & J.E.Keeley; Madroño 54(2): 152 (2007)
Name: Santa Cruz Island manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa subsp. subcordata (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 198 (1968)
= Arctostaphylos subcordata Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 61 (1933)
species :
Arctostaphylos cruzensis Roof; Leafl. West. Bot. 9: 218 (1962)
Name: La Cruz manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos pechoensis var. cruzensis (Roof) Gankin; Leafl. W. Bot. 10: 247 (1966)
species :
Arctostaphylos densiflora M.S.Baker; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 31 (1932)
Name: Vine Hill manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. densiflora (Baker) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(2): 11 (1980)
species :
Arctostaphylos edmundsii J.T.Howell; Leafl. West. Bot. 6: 202 (1952)
Name: Little Sur manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos edmundsii f. parvifolia (Roof) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 334 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos edmundsii var. parvifolia Roof; Leafl. W. Bot. 9: 191 (1961)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. edmundsii (J.T.Howell) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(3): 5 (1980)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. parvifolia (Roof) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(3): 6 (1980)
species :
Arctostaphylos franciscana Eastw.; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 201 (1905)
Name: Franciscan manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos hookeri subsp. franciscana (Eastw.) Munz; Aliso 4: 95 (1958)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. franciscana (Eastw.) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(2): 21 (1980)
= Uva-ursi franciscana (Eastw.) A.Heller; Cat. N. Amer. Pl., ed. 3: 276 (1914)
species :
Arctostaphylos gabilanensis V.T.Parker & M.C.Vasey; Madroño 51(3): 322 (2004)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw.; Proc. Calif. Acad. Ser. III. 1: 82 (1897)
subspecies :
subsp. glandulosa
Name: Eastwoods manzanita
Distribution: USA (California, Oregon)
73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa f. adenopuberula P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 9: 62 (1992)
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa f. glaucoides P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 7(4): 17 (1987)
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa f. howellii (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 7(4): 17 (1987), without basionym ref.
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa f. wieriana P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 7(4): 19 (1987)
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa f. zacaensis (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 7(4): 16 (1987), without basionym ref.
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa subsp. zacaensis (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 205 (1968)
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa var. australis J.E.Adams; J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 56: 51 (1940)
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa var. vestita (Eastw.) Jeps.; Madroño 1: 86 (1922)
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa var. virgata Jeps.; Madroño 1: 87 (1922)
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa var. zacaensis (Eastw.) J.E.Adams ex McMinn; Man. Calif. Shrubs 417 (1939)
= Arctostaphylos intricata Howell; Fl. N. W. Amer. [Howell] 1: 416 (1901)
= Arctostaphylos nitens Eastw.; Leafl. W. Bot. 4: 149 (1945)
= Arctostaphylos vestita Eastw.; Sarg., Trees & Shrubs 1: 205 (1905)
= Arctostaphylos zacaensis Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 79 (1933)
= Uva-ursi glandulosa (Eastw.) A.Heller; Cat. N. Amer. Pl., ed. 3: 276 (1914)
= Uva-ursi intricata (Howell) A.Heller; Muhlenbergia 9: 68 (1913)
= Uva-ursi vestita (Eastw.) Abrams; Britton et al. (eds.), N. Amer. Fl. 29: 98 (1914)
subspecies :
subsp. adamsii (Munz) Munz; Fl. S. Calif.: 400 (1974)
Name: Adams´ manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa f. adamsii (Munz) P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 7(4): 18 (1987)
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa var. adamsii Munz; Aliso 4: 95 (1958)
subspecies :
subsp. atumescens J.E.Keeley, M.C.Vasey & V.T.Parker; Madroño 54(1): 58 (2007)
Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Norte)
79 MEX
subspecies :
subsp. crassifolia (Jeps.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 205 (1968)
Name: Del Mar manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa var. crassifolia Jeps.; Madroño 1: 86 (1922)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa var. crassifolia (Jeps.) Jeps.; Man. Fl. Pl. Calif.: 749 (1925)
subspecies :
subsp. cushingiana (Eastw.) J.E.Keeley, M.C.Vasey & V.T.Parker; Madroño 54(1): 59 (2007)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos cushingiana Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 75 (1933)
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa f. cushingiana (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 204 (1968)
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa var. cushingiana (Eastw.) J.E.Adams ex McMinn; Man. Calif. Shrubs 417 (1939)
subspecies :
subsp. erecta J.E.Keeley, M.C.Vasey & V.T.Parker; Madroño 54(1): 59 (2007)
Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Norte)
79 MEX
subspecies :
subsp. gabrielensis (P.V.Wells) J.E.Keeley, M.C.Vasey & V.T.Parker; Madroño 54(1): 60 (2007)
Name: San Gabriel manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos gabrielensis P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 9(2): 46 (1992)
subspecies :
subsp. howellii (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 205 (1968)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa var. howellii (Eastw.) J.E.Adams ex McMinn; Man. Calif. Shrubs 417 (1939)
= Arctostaphylos howellii Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 123 (1934)
subspecies :
subsp. leucophylla J.E.Keeley, M.C.Vasey & V.T.Parker; Madroño 54(1): 58 (2007)
Distribution: USA (California); Mexico (Baja California Norte)
76 USA 79 MEX
subspecies :
subsp. mollis (J.E.Adams) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 205 (1968)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa subsp. glaucomollis P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 7(4): 21 (1987)
= Arctostaphylos glandulosa var. mollis J.E.Adams; J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 56: 50 (1940)
species :
Arctostaphylos glauca Lindl.; Bot. Reg. sub t. 1791 (1835)
Name: Bigberry manzanita
Distribution: USA (California); Mexico (Baja California Norte)
76 USA 79 MEX
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos glauca f. adenopuberula P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 9(2): 62 (1992)
= Arctostaphylos glauca f. eremicola (Jeps.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 334 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos glauca f. puberula (J.T.Howell) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 334 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos glauca var. eremicola Jeps.; Madroño 1: 78 (1922)
= Arctostaphylos glauca var. puberula J.T.Howell; Leafl. W. Bot. 2: 70 (1938)
= Daphnidostaphylis glauca (Lindl.) Klotzsch; Linnaea 24: 80 (1851)
= Uva-ursi glauca (Lindl.) Abrams; Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 6: 433 (1910)
= Xerobotrys glaucus (Lindl.) Nutt.; Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. N. S. 8: 268 (1843)
species :
Arctostaphylos glutinosa B.Schreib.; Amer. Midl. Naturalist 23: 620 (1940)
Name: Schreiber´s manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos hispidula J.T.Howell; Fl. N. W. Amer. 1: 415 (1901)
Name: Gasquet manzanita
Distribution: USA (California, Oregon)
73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos hispidula var. viscosissima M.Peck
= Arctostaphylos pungens subsp. hispidula (J.T.Howell) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(1): 16 (1979)
= Arctostaphylos stanfordiana subsp. hispidula (J.T.Howell) J.E.Adams; J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 56: 19 (1940)
= Uva-ursi hispidula (Howell) A.Heller; Muhlenbergia 9: 68 (1913)
species :
Arctostaphylos hookeri G.Don; Gen. Hist. 3: 836 (1834)
subspecies :
subsp. hookeri
Name: Hooker´s manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Andromeda venulosa DC.; Prodr. 7: 607 (1839)
= Arbutus pungens Hook. & Arn.; Bot. Beech. Voy. 144 (1832)
= Arctostaphylos acuta Nutt.; Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., n.s. 8: 258 (1842)
= Arctostaphylos pungens A.Gray; S. Wats., Bot. California 1: 453 (1876), nom. illeg.
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. hookeri (G.Don) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(2): 31 (1980)
= Daphnidostaphylis acuta (Nutt.) Klotzsch; Linnaea 24: 81 (1851)
= Daphnidostaphylis hookeri (G.Don) Klotzsch; Linnaea 24: 80 (1851)
= Uva-ursi hookeri (G.Don) Abrams; N. Amer. Fl. 29: 95 (1914)
= Xerobotrys venulosus (DC.) Nutt.; Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. N. S. 8: 268 (1843)
subspecies :
subsp. hearstiorum (Hoover & Roof) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 200 (1968)
Name: Hearst´s manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos hearstiorum Hoover & Roof; Four Seasons 2: No. 1, 2 (1966)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. hearstiorum (Hoover & Roof) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(3): 7 (1980)
species :
Arctostaphylos hooveri P.V.Wells; Leafl. West. Bot. 9: 152 (1961)
Name: Hoover´s manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos imbricata Eastw.; Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. Ser. IV. 20: 149 (1931)
Name: San Bruno Mountain manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos andersonii var. imbricata (Eastw.) J.E.Adams ex McMinn; Man. Calif. Shrubs 418 (1939)
species :
Arctostaphylos incognita J.E.Keeley, Massihi, J.Delgad. & Hirales; Madrono 44(2): 138 (1997 publ. 1998)
Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Norte)
79 MEX
species :
Arctostaphylos insularis Greene & Parry; Bull. Calif. Acad. 2: 494 (1887)
Name: Island manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos insularis f. pubescens (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 207 (1968)
= Arctostaphylos insularis var. pubescens Eastw.; Leafl. W. Bot. 1: 62 (1933)
= Uva-ursi insularis (Greene & Parry) A.Heller; Muhlenbergia 9: 68 (1913)
species :
Arctostaphylos klamathensis S.W.Edwards, Keeler-Wolf & W.Knight; Four Seasons 6(4): 20 (1983)
Name: Klamath manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos luciana P.V.Wells; Leafl. West. Bot. 10: 177 (1965)
Name: Santa Lucia manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos malloryi (W.Knight & Gankin) P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 9(2): 54 (1992)
Name: Mallory´s manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos canescens subsp. malloryi W.Knight & Gankin; Four Seasons 6(4): 23 (1983)
species :
Arctostaphylos manzanita Parry; Bull. Calif. Acad. 2: 491 (1887)
subspecies :
subsp. manzanita
Name: Whiteleaf manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos bowermaniae Roof; Four Seasons 5(4): 15 (1978)
= Arctostaphylos manzanita var. apiculata Jeps.; Madroño 1: 83 (1922)
= Arctostaphylos platyphylla Kuntze; Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 385 (1891)
= Arctostaphylos pungens subsp. manzanita (Parry) Roof; Four Seasons 5(2): 14 (1976)
= Uva-ursi manzanita (Parry) A.Heller; Muhlenbergia 9: 68 (1913)
subspecies :
subsp. elegans (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 201 (1968)
Name: Konocti manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos elegans Jeps.; Erythea 1: 15 (1893)
= Arctostaphylos manzanita var. elegans (Jeps.) L.D.Benson; Amer. J. Bot. 27: 189 (1940)
= Arctostaphylos pungens subsp. elegans (Jeps.) Roof; Four Seasons 5(2): 16 (1976)
= Uva-ursi elegans (Jeps.) A.Heller; Cat. N. Amer. Pl., ed. 3: 276 (1914)
subspecies :
subsp. glaucescens P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 8(1): 51 (1988)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
subspecies :
subsp. laevigata (Eastw.) Munz; Aliso 4: 95 (1958)
Name: Contra Costa manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos laevigata Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 76 (1933)
= Arctostaphylos pungens subsp. laevigata (Eastw.) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(1): 14 (1979)
subspecies :
subsp. roofii (Gankin) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 201 (1968)
Name: Roof´s manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos pungens subsp. roofii (Gankin) Roof; Four Seasons 5(2): 24 (1976)
= Arctostaphylos roofii Gankin; Leafl. West. Bot. 10: 329 (1966)
subspecies :
subsp. wieslanderi P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 201 (1968)
Name: Wieslander´s manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos mewukka Merriam; Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 31: 101 (1918)
subspecies :
subsp. mewukka
Name: Indian manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
subspecies :
subsp. ravenii (P.V.Wells) V.T.Parker, M.C.Vasey & J.E.Keeley; Madroño 54(2): 150 (2007)
Name: Presidio manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos hookeri subsp. ravenii P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 200 (1968)
= Arctostaphylos pungens var. ravenii (Wells) Roof; Four Seasons 5(2): 20 (1976)
subspecies :
subsp. truei (W.Knight) P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 9(2): 62 (1992)
Name: True´s manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos truei W.Knight; Four Seasons 3: No. 1, 19 (1969) ex J. H. Thomas, Four Seasons 4(1): 22 (1971)
species :
Arctostaphylos microphyllus (C.Y.Wu) comb.ined.
Distribution: China (NW-Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctous microphylla C.Y.Wu; Rep. Yunnan Trop. Subtrop. Fl. Res. Inst. 1: 5 (1965)
species :
Arctostaphylos montana Eastw.; Proc. Calif. Acad. Ser. III. 1: 83 (1897)
Name: Mt. Tamalpais manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos hookeri subsp. montana (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 200 (1968)
= Arctostaphylos pungens subsp. montana (Eastw.) Roof; Four Seasons 5(2): 18 (1976)
= Arctostaphylos pungens var. montana (Eastw.) Munz; Aliso 4: 95 (1958)
= Uva-ursi montana (Eastw.) Abrams; Britton et al. (eds.), N. Amer. Fl. 29: 95 (1914)
species :
Arctostaphylos montaraensis Roof; Four Seasons 2: No. 3, 8 (1967)
Name: Montara manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos imbricata subsp. montaraensis (Roof) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 334 (1988 publ. 1989)
species :
Arctostaphylos montereyensis Hoover; Leafl. West. Bot. 10: 87 (1964)
Name: Monterey manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos moranii P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 9(2): 48 (1992)
Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Norte)
79 MEX
species :
Arctostaphylos morroensis Wiesl. & B.Schreib.; Madroño 5: 42 (1939)
Name: Morro manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos myrtifolia Parry; Greene. Pittonia 1: 34 (1887)
Name: Ione manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos nummularia var. myrtifolia (Parry) Jeps.; Madroño 1: 85 (1922)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. myrtifolia (Parry) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(4): 4 (1982)
= Schizococcus myrtifolius (Parry) Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 99 (1934)
= Uva-ursi myrtifolia (Parry) A.Heller; Muhlenbergia 9: 68 (1913)
species :
Arctostaphylos nevadensis A.Gray; Syn. Fl. N. Am. 2: I. 27 (1878)
Name: Pinemat manzanita
Distribution: USA (California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington State)
73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos pungens subsp. nevadensis (A.Gray) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(1): 3 (1979)
= Uva-ursi nevadensis (A.Gray) A.Heller; Muhlenbergia 9: 68 (1913)
species :
Arctostaphylos nissenana Merriam; Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 31: 102 (1918), et ex Howell, Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 234 (1936), descr. ampl.
Name: Nissenan manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Schizococcus nissenanus (Merriam) Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. ii.49 (1937)
= Arctostaphylos nissenana var. arcana Jeps.; Fl. Calif. 3: 39 (1939)
species :
Arctostaphylos nortensis (P.V.Wells) P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 9(2): 56 (1992)
Name: Del Norte manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos columbiana subsp. nortensis P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 8(1): 50 (1988)
species :
Arctostaphylos nummularia A.Gray; Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 7: 366 (1868)
subspecies :
subsp. nummularia
Name: Glossyleaf manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos nummularia subsp. sensitiva (Jeps.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 208 (1968)
= Arctostaphylos nummularia var. sensitiva (Jeps.) McMinn; Man. Calif. Shrubs 389 (1939)
= Arctostaphylos sensitiva Jeps.; Madrona 1: 85, 94 (1922)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. nummularia (A.Gray) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(2): 10 (1980)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. sensitiva (Jeps.) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(3): 31 (1980)
= Schizococcus nummularia (A.Gray) Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 99 (1934)
= Schizococcus sensitivus (Jeps.) Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. ii.50 (1937)
= Uva-ursi nummularia (A.Gray) Abrams; N. Amer. Fl 29: 100 (1914)
subspecies :
subsp. mendocinoensis (P.V.Wells) V.T.Parker, M.C.Vasey & J.E.Keeley; Madroño 54(2): 149 (2007)
Name: Pygmy manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos mendocinoensis P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 8(3): 30 (1989)
species :
Arctostaphylos obispoensis Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 2: 8 (1937)
Name: Serpentine manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos ohloneana M.C.Vasey & V.T.Parker; Madroño 55(3): 240 (2009)
Distribution: USA (California: Santa Cruz Co.)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos osoensis P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 9(2): 45 (1992)
Name: Oso manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos otayensis Wiesl. & B.Schreib.; Madrono 5: 43 (1939)
Name: Otay manzanita
Distribution: USA (California); Mexico (Baja California Norte)
76 USA 79 MEX
species :
Arctostaphylos pacifica Roof; Leafl. West. Bot. 9: 217 (1962)
Name: Pacific manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. saxicola Roof; Changing Seasons 1(2): 24 (1980), nom. nov.
species :
Arctostaphylos pajaroensis (J.E.Adams ex McMinn) J.E.Adams; J. E. Mitchell Sci. Soc. 56: 41 (1940)
Name: Pajaro manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos pallida Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 76 (1933)
Name: Alameda manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos andersonii var. pallida (Eastw.) J.E.Adams ex McMinn; Man. Calif. Shrubs 418 (1939)
species :
Arctostaphylos parryana Lemmon; Greene Pittonia 2: 68 (1890)
subspecies :
subsp. parryana
Name: Parry manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos pungens subsp. parryana (Lemmon) Roof; Four Seasons 5(1): 23 (1975)
= Uva-ursi parryana (Lemmon) Abrams; Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 6: 432 (1910)
subspecies :
subsp. desertica J.E.Keeley, L.Boykin & Massihi; Madrono 44(3): 265 (1997 publ. 1998)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
subspecies :
subsp. tumescens J.E.Keeley, L.Boykin & Massihi; Madrono 44(3): 264 (1997 publ. 1998)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos patula Greene; Pittonia 2: 171 (1891)
subspecies :
subsp. patula
Name: Greenleaf manzanita
Distribution: USA (Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington State); Mexico (Baja California Norte)
73 USA 76 USA 77 USA 79 MEX
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos acutifolia Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 3: 125 (1942)
= Arctostaphylos obtusifolia Piper; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 29: 642 (1902)
= Arctostaphylos parryana var. pinetorum (Rollins) Wiesl. & B.Schreib.; Madroño 5: 46 (1939)
= Arctostaphylos patula f. acutifolia (Eastw.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 337 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos patula f. coalescens (W.Knight) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 337 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos patula f. platyphylla (A.Gray) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 337 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos patula subsp. platyphylla (A.Gray) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 203 (1968)
= Arctostaphylos patula var. coalescens W.Knight; Four Seasons 7(1): 21 (1984)
= Arctostaphylos patula var. incarnata Jeps.; Madroño 1: 80 (1922)
= Arctostaphylos pinetorum Rollins; Rhodora 39: 462 (1937)
= Arctostaphylos pungens var. platyphylla A.Gray; Syn. Fl. N. Amer. 2(1): 28 (1878)
= Uva-ursi obtusifolia (Piper) A.Heller; Cat. N. Amer. Pl., ed. 3: 276 (1914)
= Uva-ursi patula (Greene) Abrams; Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 6: 433 (1910)
subspecies :
subsp. gankinii M.C.Vasey & V.T.Parker; Madroño 63(3): 288 (2016)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos pechoensis (Abrams) Dudley; ex Abrams, Ill. Fl. Pacific States 3: 322 (1951)
Name: Pecho manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos andersonii var. pechoensis (Abrams) Jeps.; Madroño 1: 89 (1922)
= Arctostaphylos pechoensis Dudley ex Abrams; North Americaer. Fl. 29: 98 (1914). in syn.
= Uva-ursi pechoensis Abrams; Britton et al. (eds.), N. Amer. Fl. 29: 98 (1914)
species :
Arctostaphylos peninsularis P.V.Wells; Madrono 21(5): 268 (1972)
subspecies :
subsp. peninsularis
Name: Peninsular manzanita
Distribution: USA (California); Mexico (Baja California Norte)
76 USA 79 MEX
subspecies :
subsp. juarezensis J.E.Keeley; Madroño 39(4): 286 (1992)
Distribution: Mexico (Baja California Norte)
79 MEX
species :
Arctostaphylos pilosula Jeps. & Wiesl.; Erythea 8: 101 (1938)
Name: La Panza manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos pilosula f. microphylla Hoover; Vasc. Pl. San Luis Obispo Co., Calif.: 217 (1970)
= Arctostaphylos pilosula subsp. pismoensis P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 199 (1968)
species :
Arctostaphylos pringlei Parry; Bull. Calif. Acad. 2: 494 (1887)
subspecies :
subsp. pringlei
Name: Pringle manzanita
Distribution: USA (Arizona, Nevada, Utah)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Uva-ursi pringlei (Parry) Abrams; N. Amer. Fl 29: 99 (1914)
subspecies :
subsp. drupacea (Parry) P.V.Wells; Madrono 21(5): 271 (1972)
Name: Pinkbracted manzanita
Distribution: USA (California); Mexico (Baja California Norte, Sonora)
76 USA 79 MEX
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos drupacea (Parry) J.F.Macbr.; Contrib. Gray Herb. n. s. 53: 16 (1918)
= Arctostaphylos pringlei var. drupacea Parry; Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 2: 495 (1887)
= Uva-ursi drupacea (Parry) Abrams; Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 6: 434 (1910)
species :
Arctostaphylos pumila Nutt.; Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. Ser. II. 8: 266 (1843)
Name: Sandmat manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. pumila (Nutt.) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(2): 28 (1980)
= Daphnidostaphylis pumila (Nutt.) Klotzsch; Linnaea 24: 81 (1851)
= Uva-ursi pumila (Nutt.) Abrams; N. Amer. Fl 29: 100 (1914)
species :
Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth; Nov. Gen. et Sp. 3: 278. t. 259 (1818 publ. 1819)
Name: Pointleaf manzanita
Distribution: USA (Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, Utah); Mexico (Aguascalientes, Baja California Norte, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Ciudad de Mexico, Durango, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico State, Michoacan, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Zacatecas)
76 USA 77 USA 79 MEX
Synonyms: hidden
= Arbutus ferruginea Sessé & Moc.; (1888), non L.f. (1782)
= Arbutus madrono Humb. ex Kunth; Nov. Gen. Sp. [H. B. K.] 3: 282 (1819)
= Arbutus mucronata Sessé & Moc.; (1888), non L.f. (1782)
= Arbutus myrtifolia Willd. ex Steud.; Nom. ed. II. 1: 120, 119 (1840), nom. illeg.
= Arbutus rigida Willd. ex Steud.; Nom. ed. II. 1: 120, 119 (1840), nom. illeg.
= Arbutus tomentosa var. nuda Hook.; Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 37 (1834)
= Arctostaphylos chaloneorum Roof; Four Seasons 5(4): 3 (1978)
= Arctostaphylos glauca S.Watson; Botany [Fortieth Parallel]: 210 (1871)
= Arctostaphylos pseudopungens Roof; Four Seasons 5(4): 9 (1978)
= Arctostaphylos pungens f. glaucifolia Wawra; Itin. Princ. S. Coburgi 1: 72 (1883)
= Arctostaphylos pungens subsp. chaloneorum (Roof) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(1): 20 (1979)
= Arctostaphylos pungens var. mexicana W.Knight; Four Seasons 7(1): 18 (1984)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa var. nuda (Hook.) Lindl.; Edwards´s Bot. Reg. 21: t. 1791 (1836)
= Daphnidostaphylis pungens (Kunth) Klotzsch; Linnaea 24: 80 (1851)
= Uva-ursi pungens (Kunth) Abrams; Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 6: 432 (1910)
species :
Arctostaphylos purissima P.V.Wells; Madrono 19: 195 (1968)
subspecies :
subsp. purissima
Name: La Purissima manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
subspecies :
subsp. globosa V.T.Parker & M.C.Vasey; Madroño 63(3): 284 (2016)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos rainbowensis J.E.Keeley & Massihi; Madroño 41(1): 2 (1994)
Name: Rainbow manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos peninsularis subsp. keeleyi P.V.Wells; Manzanitas Calif.: 70 (2000)
species :
Arctostaphylos refugioensis Gankin; Four Seasons 2: No. 2, 13 (1967)
Name: Refugio manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos regismontana Eastw.; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 77 (1933)
Name: Kings Mountain manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos rubra (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) Fernald; Rhodora 16: 32 (1914)
Name: Red fruit bearberry
Distribution: Siberia (Altai, Buryatia, Chita, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Tuva, Yakutia); Russian Far East (Kamchatka, Khabarovsk, Magadan); China (Gansu, Jilin, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, N-Sichuan); Mongolia; North Korea; Japan; Alaska; Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Northern Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Québec, Saskatchewan, Yukon); USA (Wyoming)
30 SIB 31 RFE 36 CHI 37 MON 38 JAP NKO 70 ASK CDN 71 CDN 72 CDN 73 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos alpina subsp. rubra (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) Hultén; Acta Univ. Lund. 2 44(1): 1245 (1948)
= Arctostaphylos alpina var. rubra (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) Bean; Trees & Shrubs Brit. Isles 1: 204 (1914)
= Arctous alpina subsp. erythrocarpa (Small) M.Ivanova; Fl. Tsentral´noi Sibiri 2: 698 (1979)
= Arctous alpina var. ruber Rehder & E.H.Wilson; Pl. Wilson. 1(3): 556-557 (1913)
= Arctous erythrocarpa Small; N. Amer. Fl. 29: 102 (1914)
= Arctous rubra (Rehder & E.H.Wilson) Nakai; Nakai & Koidz., Trees & Shrubs Japan Proper, ed. 1, 156 (1922)
species :
Arctostaphylos rudis Jeps. & Wiesl.; Erythea 8: 100 (1938)
Name: Shagbark manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos silvicola Jeps. & Wiesl.; Erythea 8: 101 (1938)
Name: Bonny Doon manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos stanfordiana Parry; Bull. Calif Acad. 2: 493 (1887)
subspecies :
subsp. stanfordiana
Name: Stanford´s manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos stanfordiana var. repens Roof; Four Seasons 4(2): 16 (1972)
= Uva-ursi stanfordiana (Parry) A.Heller; Muhlenbergia 9: 68 (1913)
subspecies :
subsp. decumbens (P.V.Wells) P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 9(2): 61 (1992)
Name: Rincon manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos stanfordiana f. decumbens P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 338 (1988 publ. 1989) (nom. nov.)
subspecies :
subsp. raichei W.Knight; Four Seasons 7(3): 18 (1985)
Name: Raiche´s manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos tomentosa (Pursh) Lindl.; Bot. Reg. t. 1791 (1835)
subspecies :
subsp. tomentosa
Name: Woollyleaf manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arbutus tomentosa Pursh; Fl. Amer. Sept. (Pursh) 1: 282 (-283) (1813)
= Arbutus tomentosa var. hispida Hook.; Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 36 (1834)
= Arctostaphylos cordifolia Lindl.; Edwards´s Bot. Reg. 21: t. 1791 (1835)
= Arctostaphylos procera Lindl. ex Pritz.; Icon. Bot. Index 1: 90 (1854)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa var. arguta DC.; Prodr. 7: 585 (1839)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa var. criniata J.E.Adams ex McMinn; Man. Calif. Shrubs: 412 (1939)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa var. hispida (Hook.) Lindl.; Edwards´s Bot. Reg. 21: t. 1791 (1836)
= Daphnidostaphylis cordifolia (Lindl.) Klotzsch; Linnaea 24: 80 (1851)
= Daphnidostaphylis tomentosa (Pursh) Klotzsch; Linnaea 24: 79 (1851)
= Uva-ursi tomentosa (Pursh) Abrams; Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 6: 433 (1910)
= Xerobotrys argutus (DC.) Nutt.; Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., n.s. 8: 268 (1842)
= Xerobotrys cordifolius (Lindl.) Nutt.; Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., n.s. 8: 268 (1842)
= Xerobotrys tomentosus (Pursh) Nutt.; Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. N. S. 8: 267 (1843)
subspecies :
subsp. bracteosa (DC.) J.E.Adams; J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 56: 57 (1940)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Andromeda bracteosa DC.; Prod. 7: 607 (1839)
= Andromeda bracteosa var. hebecarpa DC.; Prodr. 7: 607 (1839)
= Andromeda bracteosa var. trichoclada DC.; Prodr. 7: 607 (1839)
= Arctostaphylos bracteosa (DC.) Abrams; Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 84 (1934)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa f. trichoclada (DC.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 198 (1968)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa var. trichoclada (DC.) Munz; Aliso 4: 96 (1958)
subspecies :
subsp. daciticola P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 9(2): 60 (1992)
Name: Dacite manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
subspecies :
subsp. hebeclada (DC.) V.T.Parker, M.C.Vasey & J.E.Keeley; Madroño 54(2): 151 (2007)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Andromeda bracteosa var. hebeclada DC.; Prodr. 7: 607 (1839)
= Arctostaphylos bracteosa var. hebeclada (DC.) Eastw.; Leafl. W. Bot. 1: 122 (1934)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa f. hebeclada (DC.) P.V.Wells; Four Seasons 7(4): 12 (1987)
= Arctostaphylos tomentosa var. hebeclada (DC.) J.E.Adams ex McMinn; Man. Calif. Shrubs 412 (1939)
species :
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng.; Syst. Veg. 2: 287 (1825)
Name: Kinnikinnick (EN), Echte Bärentraube (DE)
Distribution: Iceland; England; Ireland; Denmark; Norway; Sweden; Finland; Netherlands; Germany (Brandenburg, +Berlin, Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, +Hessen, Hamburg, +Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Schleswig-Holstein, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen); Switzerland; Liechtenstein; Austria; Poland; Czech Republic; Slovakia; Spain; Andorra; France; Italy; Slovenia; Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Montenegro; Serbia; Kosovo; North Macedonia; Albania; Romania; Bulgaria; Greece (mountains of N-Greece, Mt. Olimbos, Mt. Athos); Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Belarus; C-European Russia; N-European Russia; W-European Russia; Ukraine; Siberia (Buryatia, Chita, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, W-Siberia, Yakutia); Russian Far East (Amur, Khabarovsk, Sakhalin); Mongolia; Alaska; Greenland; Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Labrador, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Northern Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Isl., Québec, Saskatchewan, Yukon); St. Pierre et Miquelon; USA (Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, Washington State, Wisconsin, Wyoming)
Synonyms: hidden
= Arbutus acerba Gilib.; Fl. Lit. Inch. 1: 5 (1782), opus utique oppr.
= Arbutus buxifolia Stokes; Bot. Mat. Med. 2: 509 (1812)
= Arbutus officinalis Boiss.; Fl. Orient. 3: 967 (1875)
= Arbutus procumbens Salisb.; Prodr. Stirp. Chap. Allerton: 289 (1796)
= Arbutus uva-ursi L.; Sp. Pl. 395 (1753)
= Arctostaphylos adenotricha (Fern & MacBr.) Á.Löve, D.Löve & B.M.Kapoor; Arctic Alp. Res. 3(2): 154 (1972)
= Arctostaphylos alpina Payot; Bull. Soc. Bot. France 29: 43 (1882), nom. illeg.
= Arctostaphylos angustifolia Payot; Fl. Mont-Blanc, Phan.: 174 (1882), nom. illeg.
= Arctostaphylos crassifolia (Braun-Blanq.) Rivas Mart.; Itinera Geobot. 18(2): 481 (2011)
= Arctostaphylos officinalis Wimm. & Grab.; Fl. Siles. 1: 391 (1827), nom. illeg.
= Arctostaphylos procumbens Patze, E.Mey. & Elkan; Fl. Preuss.: 188 (1849)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi f. adenotricha (Fernald & J.F.Macbr.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 339 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi f. coactilis (Fernald & J.F.Macbr.) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 339 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi f. heterochroma Fernald; Rhodora 35: 350 (1933)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi f. leobreweri (Roof) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 339 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi f. longipilosa (Packer & Denford) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 340 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi f. marinensis (Roof) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 340 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi f. stipitata (Packer & Denford) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 340 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi f. suborbiculata (W.Knight) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 340 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. adenotricha (Fernald & J.F.Macbr.) Calder & Roy L.Taylor
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. coactilis (Fernald & J.F.Macbr.) Á.Löve, D.Löve & B.M.Kapoor; Arctic Alp. Res. 3(2): 155 (1971)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. crassifolius (Braun-Blanq.) Rivas Mart. ex Torre, Alcaraz & M.B.Crespo; Lazaroa 16: 154 (1995 publ. 1996)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. longipilosa Packer & Denford; Canad. J. Bot. 52(4): 751 (1974)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. monoensis Roof; Changing Seasons 1(3): 7 (1980)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. stipitata Packer & Denford; Canad. J. Bot. 52(4): 750 (1974)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. adenotricha Fernald & J.F.Macbr.; Rhodora 16: 213 (1914)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. alba Cockerell; W. Amer. Sci. 6: 11 (1889)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. angustifolia Pau; Not. Bot. Fl. Españ. 6: 78 (1895)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. coactilis Fernald & J.F.Macbr.; Rhodora 16: 212 (1914)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. crassifolia Braun-Blanq.; Anales Estac. Exp. Aula Dei 5: 35 (1955)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. crassifolius Braun-Blanq.; Braun-Blanq. & O. Bolòs, Anales Estac. Exp. Aula Dei 8: 35 (1957)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. fendleriana (Klotzsch) Eastw.; Leafl. W. Bot. 14: 269 (1946)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. leobreweri Roof; Changing Seasons 1(2): 26 (1980)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. marinensis Roof; Changing Seasons 1(2): 19 (1980)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. pacifica Hultén; Acta Univ. Lund., 2 44(1): 1249 (1948)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. stipitata (Packer & Denford) Dorn; Vasc. Pl. Wyoming: 296 (1988)
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. suborbiculata W.Knight; Four Seasons 7(2): 32 (1984)
= Daphnidostaphylis fendleriana Klotzsch; Linnaea 24: 80 (1851)
= Mairrania uva-ursi (L.) Desv.; J. Bot. 1: 37 (1813)
= Uva-ursi buxifolia Gray; Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 400 (1821 publ. 1822)
= Uva-ursi procumbens Moench; Meth. 470 (1794)
= Uva-ursi procumbens var. adenotricha (Fernald & J.F.Macbr.) D.Löve; Bot. Notiser 109: 198 (1956)
= Uva-ursi procumbens var. coactilis (Fernald & J.F.Macbr.) Moldenke; Boissiera 7: 5 (1943)
= Uva-ursi uva-ursi (Spreng.) Cockerell ex Daniels; Univ. Missouri Stud., Sci. Ser. 2(2): 186 (1911), nom. inval.
= Uva-ursi uva-ursi var. coactilis (Fernald & J.F.Macbr.) House; Bull. New York State Mus. Nat. Hist. 254: 551 (1924), nom. inval.
species :
Arctostaphylos virgata Eastw.; Sarg. Trees & Shrubs, 203, t. 96 (1905)
Name: Bolinas manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos columbiana var. virgata (Eastw.) McMinn ex Jeps.; Fl. Calif. 3: 49 (1939)
species :
Arctostaphylos viridissima (Eastw.) McMinn; Ill. Man. Calif. Shrubs, 419 (1939)
Name: Whitehair manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos andersonii var. viridissima (Eastw.) Jeps.; Fl. Calif. 3: 50 (1939)
= Arctostaphylos pechoensis var. viridissima Eastw.; Leafl. W. Bot. 1(7): 62 (1933)
species :
Arctostaphylos viscida Parry; Bull. Calif Acad. 2: 492 (1887)
subspecies :
subsp. viscida
Name: Sticky whiteleaf manzanita
Distribution: USA (California, Oregon)
73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Uva-ursi viscida (Parry) A.Heller; Muhlenbergia 9: 68 (1913)
subspecies :
subsp. mariposa (Dudley) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19(6): 204 (1968)
Name: Mariposa manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos mariposa Dudley; Publ. Sierra Cl. 27: 52 (1902)
= Arctostaphylos mariposa var. bivisa Jeps.; Madroño 1: 79 (1922)
= Uva-ursi mariposa (Dudley) Abrams; Britton et al. (eds.), N. Amer. Fl. 29: 99 (1914)
subspecies :
subsp. pulchella (Howell) P.V.Wells; Madroño 19: 204 (1968)
Distribution: USA (California, Oregon)
73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos intricata var. oblongifolia (Howell) Munz; Aliso 4: 95 (1958)
= Arctostaphylos oblongifolia Howell; Fl. N. W. Amer. [Howell] 1: 416 (1901)
= Arctostaphylos pulchella Howell; Fl. N. W. Amer. [Howell] 1: 416 (1901)
= Arctostaphylos serpentinicola Roof; Four Seasons 5(4): 12 (1978)
= Arctostaphylos viscida var. oblongifolia (Howell) J.E.Adams ex McMinn; Man. Calif. Shrubs: 403 (1939)
= Uva-ursi oblongifolia (Howell) A.Heller; Cat. N. Amer. Pl., ed. 3: 276 (1914)
= Uva-ursi pulchella (Howell) A.Heller; Cat. N. Amer. Pl., ed. 3: 276 (1914)
species :
Arctostaphylos wellsii W.Knight; Four Seasons 8(3): 12 (1989)
Name: Wells´ manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos ×benitoensis Roof; Four Seasons 5(4): 5 (1978)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos ×cinerea Howell; Fl. N. W. Amer. [Howell] 1: 416 (1901)
Name: Waldo manzanita
Distribution: USA (California, Oregon)
73 USA 76 USA
species :
Arctostaphylos ×coloradensis Rollins; Rhodora 39: 463 (1937)
Distribution: USA (Colorado)
73 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos nevadensis var. coloradensis (Rollins) Harr.
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi subsp. coloradensis (Rollins) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(4): 20 (1982)
species :
Arctostaphylos ×helleri Eastw.; Leafl. W. Bot. 4: 148 (1945)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Remarks: A. myrtifolia x A. viscida
species :
Arctostaphylos ×jepsonii Eastw.; Leafl. W. Bot. 1: 119 (1934)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Remarks: A. patula x A. viscida ssp. mariposa
species :
Arctostaphylos ×laxiflora A.Heller ex Eastw.; Leafl. W. Bot. 4: 148 (1945)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Remarks: A. manzanita x A. mewukka
species :
Arctostaphylos ×media Greene; Pittonia 2: 171 (1891)
Distribution: Canada (British Columbia); USA (California, Washington State)
71 CDN 73 USA 76 USA
Remarks: Arctostaphylos columbiana x uva-ursi
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos ×intermedia Howell; Fl. N.W. Amer. 1: 415 (1901), nom. superfl.
= Uva-ursi ×media (Greene) A.Heller; Cat. N. Amer. Pl., ed. 3: 276 (1914)
species :
Arctostaphylos ×parvifolia Howell; Fl. N. W. Amer. 1: 416 (1901)
Distribution: USA (California, Oregon)
73 USA 76 USA
Remarks: A. glandulosa x A. nevadensis
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos nevadensis subsp. knightii (Gankin & Hildreth) P.V.Wells; Madroño 35(4): 335 (1988 publ. 1989)
= Arctostaphylos knightii Gankin & Hildreth; Four Seasons 3: No. 3, 24 (1970)
= Uva-ursi ×parvifolia (Howell) A.Heller; Cat. N. Amer. Pl., ed. 3: 276 (1914)
species :
Arctostaphylos ×repens (Howell) P.V.Wells; Madrono 19: 208 (1968)
Name: PMC manzanita
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Remarks: A. glandulosa x A. virgata
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. repens (J.T.Howell) Roof; Changing Seasons 1(2): 17 (1980)
= Arctostaphylos cushingiana f. repens J.T.Howell; Leafl. W. Bot. 4: 161 (1945)
species :
Arctostaphylos ×strigosa Howell; Fl. N. W. Amer. [Howell] 1: 417 (1901)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Remarks: A. canescens x A. viscida
Synonyms: hidden
= Arctostaphylos ×bracteata Howell; Fl. N. W. Amer. [Howell] 1: 417 (1901)
= Uva-ursi ×bracteata (Howell) A.Heller; Muhlenbergia 9: 68 (1913)
= Uva-ursi ×strigosa (Howell) A.Heller; Cat. N. Amer. Pl., ed. 3: 276 (1914)
species :
Arctostaphylos ×victorinii Rolland-Germ.; Fl. Anticosti-Minganie 463 (-464) (1969)
Name: Victorin´s manzanita
Distribution: Canada (Québec)
72 CDN
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