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June 16th, 2024

450.0000 Family Asteraceae Dumort.; Comment. Bot. 55 (1822)
1620 genera, ca. 29.000 spp. (35.000 spp. incl. microspecies). Systematics taken mostly from Funk et al. (2009, 2020) and other recent publications. Barnadesioideae might be its own family, related to Calyceraceae.
Species listed in database: 35264; hybrids: 683
= Acarnaceae Link; (1829)
= Ambrosiaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 254 (1820), nom. cons.
= Anthemidaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 254 (1820)
= Aposeridaceae Raf.; New Fl. N. Amer. 4: 106 (1838)
= Arctotaceae Bessey; Nebraska Univ. Stud. 14: 107 (1914)
= Arctotidaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 255 (1820)
= Artemisiaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar: 48 (1820)
= Athanasiaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar: 56 (1820)
= Calendulaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 254 (1820)
= Carduaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 255 (1820)
= Carlinaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 255 (1820)
= Centaureaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 255 (1820)
= Cichoriaceae Juss.; Gen. Pl.: 168 (1789), nom. cons.
= Cnicaceae Vest; Anleit. Stud. Bot.: 273, 297 (1818)
= Compositae Giseke; Prael. Ord. Nat. Pl.: 538 (1792), nom. cons.
= Coreopsidaceae Link; Handbuch 1: 768 (1829)
= Cynaraceae Burnett; Outlines Bot.: 926, 931, 1094, 1111 (1835)
= Echinopaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 255 (1820)
= Eupatoriaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 253 (1820)
= Gnaphaliaceae Link ex F.Rudolphi; Syst. Orb. Veg.: 46 (1830)
= Grindeliaceae Rchb. ex A.Heller; Muhlenbergia 2: 330 (1907)
= Heleniaceae Raf.; Cincinnati Lit. Gaz. 2: 28 (1824)
= Helianthaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 254 (1820)
= Helichrysaceae Link; Handbuch 1: 712 (1829)
= Inulaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 254 (1820)
= Ivaceae Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 1: 31 (1837)
= Lactucaceae Drude; J. A. Schenk, Handb. Bot. 3(2): 369 (1886)
= Lapsanaceae Martinov; (1820)
= Madiaceae A.Heller; Muhlenbergia 2: 332 (1907)
= Matricariaceae Voigt; Hort. Suburb. Calcutt.: 400 (1845)
= Mutisiaceae Burnett; Outlines Bot.: 934, 935, 1094, 1111 (1835)
= Nassauviaceae Burmeist.; Handb. Naturgesch.: 290 (1836)
= Partheniaceae Link; Handbuch 1: 816 (1829)
= Perdiciaceae Link; Handbuch 1: 728 (1829)
= Picridaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar: 482 (1820)
= Santolinaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar: 560 (1820)
= Senecionaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 254 (1820)
= Serratulaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar: 577 (1820)
= Tanacetaceae Vest; Anleit. Stud. Bot.: 273, 298 (1818)
= Tussilagaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 254 (1820)
= Vernoniaceae Burmeist.; Handb. Naturgesch.: 296 (1836)
= Xanthiaceae Vest; Anleit. Stud. Bot.: 273, 298 (1818)
= Xeranthemaceae Döll; Rhein. Fl.: 498 (1843)
450.6715 Genus Leucanthemum Hill; Gard. Dict. Abridg. Ed. 4 (1754)
Distribution: Europe (23 Iberian peninsula), few to C- and E-Asia
Species listed in database: 51; hybrids: 7
= Phalacrodiscus Less.; Syn. Gen. Compos. 253 (1832)
species :
Leucanthemum adustum (W.D.J.Koch) Gremli; Fl. Anal. Suisse ed. 2, 272 (1898)
subspecies :
subsp. adustum
Name: Berg-Margerite (DE)
Distribution: Sweden; Germany (Berlin [I], Baden-Württemberg, Bayern); Switzerland; Liechtenstein; Austria; Poland; Slovakia; France; Italy; Slovenia; Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Montenegro; Serbia; Kosovo; North Macedonia; Albania; Romania; Bulgaria; Ukraine
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum adustum Dalla Torre; Alpenfl.: 226 (1899)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum subsp. cuneifolium (Legrand ex H.J.Coste) P.Fourn.; Quatre Fl. France: 974 (1939)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum subsp. montanum P.Fourn.; Quatre Fl. France: 974 (1939)
= Chrysanthemum liburnicum Horvatic; Acta Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb. 3: 81 (1928)
= Chrysanthemum montanum var. adustum W.D.J.Koch; Syn. Fl. Germ. Helv.: 378 (1837)
= Leucanthemum liburnicum (Fiori) Horvatic; Acta Bot. Croatica 22: 208 (1963)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. montanum Briq. & Cavill.; Burnat, Fl. Alpes Marit. 6: 94 (1916)
subspecies :
subsp. margaritae (Gáyer ex Jáv.) Holub; Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 9: 273 (1974)
Distribution: Austria; Poland; Czech Republic; Slovakia; Hungary; Ukraine
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. margaritae Gáyer ex Jáv.
= Leucanthemum margaritae (Gáyer) Soó; Feddes Repert. 83(3): 154 (1972), nom. illeg.
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. margaritae (Gáyer ex Jáv.) Soó; Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung., 17(1-2): 125 (1971 publ. 1972)
species :
Leucanthemum ageratifolium Pau; Bol. Soc. Aragonesa Ci. Nat. 1: 31 (1902)
Distribution: NE-Spain; Andorra
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. pujiulae Sennen; Bol. Soc. Iber. Ci. Nat. 28: 33 (1929)
= Leucanthemum pallens var. subpinnatifidum Willk.; Willk. & Lange, Prodr. Fl. Hispan. 2: 96 (1865)
species :
Leucanthemum aligulatum Vogt; Ruizia 10: 179 (1991)
Distribution: EC-Spain
12 SPA
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. aligulatum (Vogt) O.Bolòs & Vigo; Fl. Paisos Catalans 3: 813 (1995)
species :
Leucanthemum atratum (Jacq.) DC.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 6: 48 (1838)
Name: Schwarze Wucherblume
Distribution: Austria; Mauritius [I]
11 AUT 29 mau
Remarks: atratum agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum atratum Jacq.; Enum. Stirp. Vindob.: 151 (1762)
= Chrysanthemum atratum L.; Sp. Pl. ed. II. 1252 (1763), nom. illeg.
= Chrysanthemum atratum var. angustifolium Gaudin; Fl. Helv. 5: 342 (1829)
= Chrysanthemum atratum var. horrentidens Murr; 320 (1924)
= Chrysanthemum bauhini Tausch; Syll. Ratisb. 2: 251 (1828)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum subsp. atratum (Jacq.) P.Fourn.; Quatre Fl. France: 974 (1939)
= Chrysanthemum montanum subsp. atratum (Jacq.) Ces.; Car. Catt., 301 (1844)
= Chrysanthemum variabile Rochel; Pl. Banat. Rar.: Index (1828)
= Leucanthemum atratum var. incisum Briq. & Cavill.; Burnat, Fl. Alpes Marit. 6: 114 (1916)
= Leucanthemum bauhini (Tausch) Steud.; Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 35 (1840)
= Leucanthemum montanum subsp. atratum (Jacq.) Arcang.; Comp. Fl. Ital.: 352 (1882)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. atratum (Jacq.) Bonnier; Bonnier & R. C. V. Douin, 95 (1922)
= Matricaria atrata (Jacq.) Schrank; Baier. Fl. 2: 406 (1789)
= Pyrethrum atratum (Jacq.) Less.; Syn. Gen. Compos.: 254 (1832)
= Pyrethrum leucanthemoides Tausch; Flora 12(1, Ergänzungsbl.): 61 (1829)
= Tanacetum atratum (Jacq.) Sch.Bip.; Tanacet. 62 (1844)
species :
Leucanthemum burnatii Briq. & Cavill.; Burnat, Fl. Alpes Marit. 6: 108 (1916)
Distribution: SE-France (Alpes-Maritimes, adjacent mountains)
12 FRA
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum burnatii (Briq. & Cavill.) J.W.Ingram; Baileya, 19(4): 167 (1975), without basionym page
species :
Leucanthemum cacuminis Vogt, Konowalik & Oberpr.; Molec. Phylogen. Evol. 92: 325 (2015), nom. nov.
Distribution: N-Spain (W-Pyrenees, Cordillera Cantabrica)
12 SPA
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum gaudinii subsp. cantabricum (Font Quer & Guinea) Vogt; Ruizia 10: 98 (1991)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. cantabricum Font Quer & Guinea; Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 7: 347 (1947)
species :
Leucanthemum cantabricum Sennen; Diagn. Nouv. Pl. Espagne & Maroc 1928-35, 50 (1936)
Distribution: England; N-Spain; S-France
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum ircutianum subsp. cantabricum (Sennen) P.D.Sell; Fl. Gr. Brit. Ireland (2006), isonym
= Leucanthemum ircutianum subsp. cantabricum (Sennen) Vogt; Ruizia 10: 121 (1991)
species :
Leucanthemum catalaunicum Vogt; Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. München 27: 21 (1988)
Distribution: NE-Spain; Andorra; SW-France
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. catalaunicum (Vogt) O.Bolòs & Vigo; Fl. Paisos Catalans 3: 813 (1995)
species :
Leucanthemum chloroticum A.Kern. & Murb.; Lunds Univ. Arsskr. 27: 109 (1891)
Distribution: Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Montenegro; Serbia; Kosovo; N-Greece (Mt. Vermio)
species :
Leucanthemum coronopifolium Vill.; Prosp. 32 (1779) ex Gren. & Godr.
subspecies :
subsp. coronopifolium
Distribution: SE-France; NW-Italy
12 FRA 13 ITA
Remarks: atratum agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum alpestre DC.; Prodr [A. DC.]. 6: 68 (1838)
= Chrysanthemum coronopifolium Vill.; Fl. Delphin. 98, Hist. Pl. Dauph. 3: 202 (1786)
= Chrysanthemum grandiflorum Brouss.; Elench. Horti Bot. Monspel.: 15 (1805), nom. inval.
= Leucanthemum atratum subsp. coronopifolium (Vill.) Horvatic; Acta Bot. Inst. Univ. Zagreb. 10: 65 (1935)
= Leucanthemum coronopifolium var. prionodes Murr; Deutsche Bot. Monatsschr. 14: 21 (1896)
= Pyrethrum ceratophylloides Ten.; Fl. Napol. 2: 233 (1820)
= Pyrethrum larvatum Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur.: 371 (1879), pro syn.
= Pyrethrum roseum Lindl.; Bot. Reg. 13: t. 1084 (1827), nom. illeg.
= Tanacetum larvatum Kanitz ex Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur. 371 (1879)
subspecies :
subsp. ceratophylloides (All.) Vogt & Greuter; Willdenowia 33: 37-43 (2003)
Distribution: France; Italy (SW-Alps, N- & C-Appennini, Alpi Apuane)
12 FRA 13 ITA
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum ceratophylloides All.; Fl. Pedem. 1: 190 (1785)
= Chrysanthemum coronopifolium subsp. ceratophylloides (All.) P.Fourn.; Quatre Fl. France: 974 (1939)
= Leucanthemum atratum subsp. ceratophylloides (All.) Horvatic; Acta Bot. Inst. Univ. Zagreb. 10: 66 (1935)
= Leucanthemum ceratophylloides (All.) Nyman; Syll. Fl. Eur.: 10 (1855)
= Leucanthemum coronopifolium var. ceratophylloides Gren. & Godr.; Fl. France Corse 2: 142 (1850)
= Matricaria ceratophylloides (All.) Poir.; Encyc. Suppl. 3: 601 (1814)
= Phalacrodiscus ceratophylloides (All.) Less.; Syn. Gen. Compos. 254 (1832)
= Pyrethrum ceratophylloides (All.) Ten.; Fl. Nap. 2: 233 (1820)
= Pyrethrum halleri subsp. allionii Rouy; Rouy & Foucaud, Fl. France 9: 266 (1905)
subspecies :
subsp. tenuifolium (Guss.) Vogt & Greuter; Willdenowia 33: 37-43 (2003)
Distribution: Italy
13 ITA
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum ceratophylloides subsp. tenuifolium (Guss.) Bazzich. & Marchi; Ann. Bot. (Italy) 29: 97 (1972), without basionym page
= Leucanthemum tenuifolium (Guss.) Gamisans; Candollea, 27(2): 203 (1972)
= Pyrethrum ceratophylloides var. tenuifolium Guss.; Pl. Rar.: 350 (1826)
species :
Leucanthemum corsicum (Less.) DC.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 6: 47 (1838)
Distribution: Corsica
12 COR
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum atratum f. pinnatifidum (Fenzl) Fiori; Nuov. Fl. Italia 2: 627 (1927)
= Chrysanthemum atratum var. corsicum (Sieber ex Less.) Fiori; Nuov. Fl. Italia 2: 627 (1927)
= Chrysanthemum corsicum (Less.) Sieber ex DC.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 6: 47 (1838)
= Chrysanthemum montanum var. corsicum (Sieber ex Less.) Mutel; Fl. Franç. Herbor. 2: 154 (1835)
= Leucanthemum atratum subsp. corsicum (Sieber ex Less.) Horvatic; Acta Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb. 10: 75 (1935)
= Leucanthemum coronopifolium subvar. corsicum (Sieber ex Less.) Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur.: 371 (1879)
= Leucanthemum corsicum f. dentatum Gamisans; Candollea 27: 192 (1972)
= Leucanthemum corsicum f. pinnatifidum (Fenzl) Gamisans; Candollea, 27(2): 193 (1972)
= Leucanthemum corsicum var. pinnatifidum (Fenzl) Briq. & Cavill.; Fl. Alpes Marit. 6: 117 (1916)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. cyrneum Litard.; Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Corse 42: 239 (1922)
= Phalacrodiscus corsicus Less.; Syn. Gen. Compos. 254 (1832)
= Tanacetum monspeliense var. pinnatifidum Fenzl; Verh. Zool.-Bot. Vereins Wien 3: 346 (1853)
variant :
var. eschenlohrianum (Gamisans) Vogt, Hugot & Oberpr.; Willdenowia 49(3): 419 (2019)
Distribution: Corsica
12 COR
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum corsicum f. eschenlohrianum Gamisans; Candollea. 27(2): 194 (1972)
variant :
var. fenzlii (Gamisans) Vogt, Hugot & Oberpr.; Willdenowia 49(3): 419 (2019)
Distribution: Corsica
12 COR
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum corsicum subsp. fenzlii Gamisans; Candollea, 27(2): 194 (1972)
species :
Leucanthemum corunnense Lago; An. Jard. Bot. Madrid, 48(1): 91 (1990), pro hybr.
Distribution: NW-Spain (coastal Galicia)
12 SPA
species :
Leucanthemum crassifolium (Lange) Lange; Willk. & Lange, Prodr. Fl. Hispan. 2: 96 (1865)
Distribution: England [I]; NW-Portugal; N-Spain; SW-France
10 grb 12 FRA POR SPA
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum subsp. crassifolium (Lange) P.Fourn.; Quatre Fl. France: 974 (1939)
= Leucanthemum ircutianum subsp. crassifolium (Lange) Vogt; Ruizia 10: 127 (1991)
= Leucanthemum pallens var. crassifolium Lange; Pug. Pl. Hispan. 2: 127 (1861)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. crassifolium (Lange) Rouy; Rouy & Foucaud, Fl. France 8: 275 (1903)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. crassifolium (Lange) Merino; Fl. Galicia 2: 378 (1906)
species :
Leucanthemum cuneifolium Le Grand ex Coste; Fl. Franc. 2: 341 (1903)
Distribution: SE-France (Hautes-Alpes)
12 FRA
Remarks: vulgare agg.
species :
Leucanthemum delarbrei Timb.-Lagr.; Lamotte, Prodr. Fl. Centr. Fr. 404 (1881)
subspecies :
subsp. delarbrei
Distribution: France (Pyrenees, SC-France)
12 FRA
Remarks: vulgare agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum montanum subsp. delarbrei (Timb.-Lagr.) Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur., Suppl. 2(1): 169 (1889)
subspecies :
subsp. ruscinonense (Jeanb. & Timb.-Lagr.) Vogt; Fl. Iber. 16(3): 1866 (2019)
Distribution: NE-Spain (Gerona)
12 SPA
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum cebennense var. ruscinonense (Jeanb. & Timb.-Lagr.) Gaut.; Cat. Rais. Fl. Pyr.-Or.: 232 (1898)
= Leucanthemum monspeliense var. ruscinonense (Jeanb. & Timb.-Lagr.) O.Bolòs & Vigo; Collect. Bot., 17(1): 91 (1987 publ. (1988)
= Leucanthemum palmatum var. ruscinonense Jeanb. & Timb.-Lagr.; Mém. Acad. Sci. Toulouse, ser. 8, 1(2): 192 (1879)
species :
Leucanthemum eliasii (Sennen & Pau) Vogt, Konowalik & Oberpr.; Molec. Phylogen. Evol. 92: 325 (2015)
Distribution: Spain (S-Cordillera Cantabrica)
12 SPA
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. eliasii Sennen & Pau; Bull. Acad. Int. Géogr. Bot. 21: 115 (1911)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. eliasii (Sennen & Pau) Sennen & Pau; Bol. Soc. Iber. Ci. Nat. 28: 34 (1929)
species :
Leucanthemum esterellense (Briq. & Cavill.) Vogt, Konowalik & Oberpr.; Willdenowia 48(2): 222 (2018)
Distribution: France
12 FRA
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. esterellense Briq. & Cavill.; Fl. Alpes Marit. 6: 103 (1916)
species :
Leucanthemum favargeri Vogt; Ruizia 10: 186 (1991)
Distribution: NE-Spain (Huesca, Zaragoza)
12 SPA
species :
Leucanthemum gallaecicum Rodr.Oubiña & S.Ortiz; An. Jard. Bot. Madrid, 47(2): 498 (1989 publ. 1990)
Distribution: NW-Spain (C-Galicia)
12 SPA
species :
Leucanthemum gaudinii Dalla Torre; Atl. Alpenfl. 130 (1882)
Distribution: Switzerland; Austria; Poland; Slovakia; France; Italy; Montenegro; Ukraine
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum alpicola (Gremli) H.Hess, Landolt & Hirzel; H. E. Hess et al. , Fl. Schweiz Gebiete 3: 778, 571 (1972)
= Chrysanthemum gaudinii (Dalla Torre) Dalla Torre & Sarnth.; Fl. Tirol 6: III. 543 (1912)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. alpicola (Gremli) P.Fourn.; Quatre Fl. France: 975 (1939)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. gaudinii (Dalla Torre) Fiori; Nuov. Fl. Italia 2: 624 (1927)
= Leucanthemum praecox var. alpicola (Gremli) Villard; Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 80: 171 (1971)
= Leucanthemum raciborskii Popov & Chrshan.; Mater. Pozn. Fauna Fl. SSSR, n. s., Bot. 13: Fasc. 5 (Sketch Veg. & Fl. Carpath.) 248 (1949)
= Leucanthemum subalpinum (Schur) Tzvelev; Kom., Fl. U.R.S.S. 26: 145 (1961)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. alpicola (Gremli) Á.Löve & D.Löve; Bot. Not. 114: 56 (1961)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. subalpinum (Schur) Soó; Feddes Repert. 83(3): 154 (1972)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. alpicola Gremli; Fl. Anal. Suisse, éd. 2: 272 (1898)
= Tanacetum subalpinum Simonk.; Enum. Fl. Transsilv. 312 (1886)
species :
Leucanthemum glaucophyllum (Briq. & Cav.) Marchi & Illum.; Ann. Bot. (Italy) 33: 174 (1974 publ. 1975)
Distribution: France; Italy
12 FRA 13 ITA
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. glaucophyllum (Briq. & Cavill.) Fiori; Nouv. Fl. Italia 2: 626 (1927)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. glaucophyllum Briq. & Cavill.; Burnat, Fl. Alpes Marit. 6: 102 (1916)
species :
Leucanthemum gracilicaule (Dufour) Alavi & Heywood; J. Linn. Soc., Bot., 71(4): 274 (1975 publ. 1976)
Distribution: E-Spain
12 SPA
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum gracilicaule Dufour; Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. 7: 306 (1820)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. gracilicaule (Leon-Dufour) O.Bolòs & Vigo; Collect. Bot., 17(1): 91 (1987 publ. 1988)
species :
Leucanthemum graminifolium (L.) Lam.; Fl. Franc. 2:137 (1779)
Distribution: C- & W-France; S-France
12 FRA
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum graminifolium L.; Sp. Pl. 889 (1753)
= Chrysanthemum graminifolium var. controversum Loret & Barrandon; Fl. Montpellier 1: 342 (1876)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum subsp. controversum (Loret & Barrandon) Braun-Blanq.; Bull. Soc. Bot. France 71: 881 (1924)
= Leucanthemum fissum Timb.-Lagr. ex Galiss.; Bull. Soc. Bot. Rochelaise 11: 32 (1889 publ. 1890)
= Leucanthemum graminifolium var. controversum (Loret & Barrandon) Kerguélen; ERICA (France) 10: 14 (1998)
= Leucanthemum graminifolium var. dentatum Timb.-Lagr.; Bull. Soc. Dauphin. Échange Pl. 11: 466 (1885)
= Leucanthemum gussonei Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur.: 371 (1879)
= Matricaria graminifolia (L.) Desr.; Lam. Encyc. 3: 732 (1786)
= Phalacrodiscus graminifolius (L.) Less.; Syn. Gen. Compos. 253 (1832)
= Pyrethrum graminifolium (L.) Guss.; Pl. Rar. 349 (1826)
= Tanacetum graminifolium (L.) Rchb.f.; Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. 16: 51 (1853)
species :
Leucanthemum halleri (Vitman) Ducommun; 383 (1869)
Name: Haller-Margerite
Distribution: Germany (Bayern); Switzerland; Liechtenstein; Austria; Italy
Remarks: atratum agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum halleri Suter; Helvet. Fl. 2: 193 (1802), nom. illeg.
= Chrysanthemum halleri Vitman; 99 (1791)
= Leucanthemum atratum subsp. halleri (Suter) Heywood; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 71: 272 (1976)
= Leucanthemum halleri (Suter) Polatschek; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 113: 138 (1966), nom. illeg.
= Matricaria halleri (Vitman) Poir.; Encyc. Suppl. 3: 603 (1814)
= Pyrethrum alpestre Clairv.; Man. Herbor. Suisse: 247 (1811), nom. illeg.
= Pyrethrum halleri (Vitman) Willd.; Sp. Pl. 3: 2152 (1803)
species :
Leucanthemum heterophyllum (Willd.) DC.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 6: 47 (1838)
Distribution: Switzerland; Austria; France; Italy; Slovenia
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum heterophyllum Willd.; Sp. Pl. 3: 2142 (1803)
= Chrysanthemum lanceolatum Pers.; Syn. Pl. 2: 460 (1807), nom. superfl.
= Chrysanthemum lanceolatum var. heterophyllum (Willd.) Pers.; Syn. Pl. 2: 460 (1807)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum subsp. heterophyllum (Willd.) Hegi; 612 (1928)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum subsp. montanum (L.) Gaudin; Fl. Helv. 5: 342 (1829)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. heterophyllum (Willd.) Fiori; Fiori et al., Fl. Anal. Italia 3: 24 (1903)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. lanceolatum E.Baumann; 463 (1911), nom. illeg.
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. montanum (L.) Heer; Mitth. Geb. Theor. Erdk. 1: 436 (1836)
= Chrysanthemum montanum L.; Sp. Pl. 888 (1753)
= Chrysanthemum montanum var. heterophyllum (Willd.) W.D.J.Koch; Syn. Fl. Germ. Helv.: 378 (1837)
= Leucanthemum affine Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur. 371 (1879)
= Leucanthemum atratum Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur. 371 (1879)
= Leucanthemum atratum var. heterophyllum (Willd.) Rouy; Rouy & Foucaud, Fl. France 8: 269 (1903)
= Leucanthemum auriculatum Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur. 371 (1879)
= Leucanthemum canescens Pourr. ex Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur. 370 (1879)
= Leucanthemum commutatum Timb.-Lagr. & Martrin-Donos; Martrin-Donos Pl. Crit. Tarn, 29 (1862)
= Leucanthemum discoideum Bourg. ex Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur. 370 (1879)
= Leucanthemum lanceolatum Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur.: 371 (1879), nom. inval.
= Leucanthemum montanum (L.) DC.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 6: 48 pro parte (1838)
= Leucanthemum suffruticulosum Timb.-Lagr.; Bull. Soc. Phys. & Nat. Toul. 2: 69 (1874)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. heterophyllum (Willd.) Bonnier; Fl. Ill. France 5: 95 (1922)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. montanum (L.) Bonnier; Fl. Ill. France 5: 95 (1922)
= Matricaria heterophylla (Willd.) Poir.; Lam., Encycl., Suppl. 3: 600 (1814)
= Matricaria montana (L.) Desr.; Lam., Encycl. 3: 732 (1792)
= Phalacrodiscus montanus (L.) Less.; Syn. Gen. Compos. 254 (1832)
= Pontia heterophylla (Willd.) Bubani; Fl. Pyrenees. II. 224 (1899)
= Pontia montana (L.) Bubani; Fl. Pyrenees. II. 224 ( 189)
= Pyrethrum heterophyllum (Willd.) Baumg. ex Fuss; Verh. Mitth. Siebenbürg. Vereins Naturwiss. Hermannstadt 10: 104 (1859)
= Pyrethrum montanum (L.) Pourr. ex Willk. & Lange; Prod. Fl. Hisp. 2: 89 (1865)
= Tanacetum montanum (L.) Sch.Bip.; Tanacet. 35 (1844)
species :
Leucanthemum illyricum (Horvatic) Vogt & Greuter; Willdenowia 33: 37-43 (2003)
Distribution: Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Montenegro
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum croaticum var. illyricum Horvatic; Acta Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb 3: 89 (1928)
= Leucanthemum atratum subsp. illyricum (Horvatic) Soó; Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung., 23(3-4): 386 (1977 publ. 1978), not validated
= Leucanthemum illyricum (Horvatic) D.Papes; Acta Bot. Croat. 32: 244 (1973), without basionym page
species :
Leucanthemum ircutianum (Turcz.) DC.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 6: 47 (1838)
subspecies :
subsp. ircutianum
Name: Wiesen-Wucherblume (DE)
Distribution: England; Sweden; Finland; Belgium; Germany (Berlin, Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Hessen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern [I], Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Schleswig-Holstein [I], Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt); Switzerland; Liechtenstein; Austria; Poland; Czech Republic; Slovakia; Hungary; Portugal; Spain; France; Corsica; Sardinia; Italy; Sicily; San Marino; Slovenia; Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Montenegro; Serbia; Kosovo; Albania; Romania; Bulgaria; S-European Russia; Latvia; Belarus; C-European Russia; E-European Russia; N-European Russia; NW-European Russia; Moldova; Ukraine; Crimea; Kazakhstan
Remarks: vulgare agg. See comments under L. vulgare. Since L. ircutianum was for a long time included under L. vulgare, synonyms and distribution are confused. Many records for introduced ´L. vulgare´ refer to L. ircutianum
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum ircutianum (DC.) Turcz.; Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 19: (1846) II. 177
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum f. breviradiatum (R.Uechtr.) Hegi; 611 (1928)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum f. hispidum (Boenn.) Neuman; 13 (1901)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum f. setosum Vollm.; 740 (1914)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. amplifolium Fiori & Paol.; Fl. Ital. 3: 240 (1903)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. boecheri B.Boivin; Phytologia 23(1): 85 (1972) (nom. nov.)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. breviradiatum (R.Uechtr.) Fiek; 226 (1881)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. glabrum Wirtg.; 102 (1841)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. hispidum Boenn.; Prodr. Fl. Monast. Westphal.: 257 (1824)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. pinnatifidum Lecoq & Lamotte; Cat. Pl. Plateau Central: 277 (1847)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. rotundifolium Fresen.; 470 (1833)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. smithii Bluff & Fingerh.; 385 (1825)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. sylvestre Pers.; 460 (1807)
= Leucanthemum ircutianum var. amplifolium (Fiori & Paol.) Soó; Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung., 23(3-4): 386 (1977 publ. 1978)
= Leucanthemum ircutianum var. laticeps (Briq. & Cavill. ex Burnat) Soó; Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung., 23(3-4): 386 (1977 publ. 1978)
= Leucanthemum ircutianum var. pinnatifidum (Lecoq & Lamotte) D.Löve & J.-P.Bernard; Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 53: 444 (1959)
= Leucanthemum ircutianum var. sylvestre (Pers.) Soó; Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung., 23(3-4): 386 (1977 publ. 1978)
= Leucanthemum vulgare f. breviradiatum R.Uechtr.; 182 (1878)
= Leucanthemum vulgare f. hispidum (Boenn.) Piekos; Pawl. & Jasiewicz, 267 (1971), nom. inval.
= Leucanthemum vulgare f. setosum (Vollm.) Piekos; Pawl. & Jasiewicz, 267 (1971), nom. inval.
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. ircutianum (DC.) P.D.Sell; Fl. Gr. Brit. Ireland (2006), isonym
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. ircutianum (Turcz. ex DC.) Tzvelev; Fl. Evropeiskoi Chasti SSSR 7: 138 (1994)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. amplifolium (Fiori & Paol.) Horvatic; Acta Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb. 10: 85 (1935)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. pinnatifidum (Lecoq & Lamotte) Moldenke; Revista Sudamer. Bot. 5: 1 (1937)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. silvestre (Pers.) Soó; Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung., 17(1- 2): 125 (1971 publ. 1972)
subspecies :
subsp. leucolepis (Briq. & Cavill.) Vogt & Greuter; Willdenowia 33: 37-43 (2003)
Distribution: France; Italy; Slovenia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Montenegro; Serbia; Kosovo
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum f. asperulum (N.Terracc.) Fiori; Fl. Italia 3: 240 (1903)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum f. pallidum Fiori; Fl. Italia 3: 240 (1903)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum f. vallisumbrosae Fiori; Fl. Italia 3: 240 (1903)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum subsp. leucolepis (Briq. & Cavill.) Schinz & Thell.; Schinz & Keller, Fl. Schweiz, ed. 4, 1: 685 (1923)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. asperulum (N.Terracc.) Fiori; Nuov. Fl. Italia 2: 624 (1927)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. leucolepis (Briq. & Cavill.) P.Fourn.; Quatre Fl. France: 975 (1939)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. pallidum (Fiori) Fiori; Nuov. Fl. Italia 2: 624 (1927)
= Leucanthemum ircutianum subsp. asperulum (N.Terracc.) Vogt & Greuter; Willdenowia 33: 41 (2003)
= Leucanthemum leucolepis (Briq. & Cavill.) Gajic; Fl. SR Srbije 9: 185 (1977), isonym
= Leucanthemum leucolepis (Briq. & Cavill.) Horvatic; Acta Bot. Croat. 22: 214 (1963)
= Leucanthemum pallens subsp. leucolepis (Briq. & Cavill.) Favarger; Anales Inst. Bot. Cavanilles 32: 1236 (1975)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. leucolepis Briq. & Cavill.; Burnat, Fl. AlpesMarit. 6: 93 (1916)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. asperulum N.Terracc.; Annuario Reale Ist. Bot. Roma 4: 159 (1891)
species :
Leucanthemum laciniatum Huter ex Porta & Rigo; Itin. Ital. III (Exsicc.) no. 617 (1878)
Distribution: France; S-Italy (Calabria)
12 FRA 13 ITA
Remarks: vulgare agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. laciniatum (Huter, Porta & Rigo) Porta; Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 11: 268 (1879)
species :
Leucanthemum lacustre (Brot.) Samp.; Lista Esp. Herb. Port. 132 (1913)
Distribution: WC-Portugal (Estremadura); Azores [I] (Terceira [I], Faial [I], Flores Isl. [I], Sta. Maria [I]); Madeira [I] (Madeira Isl. [I]); USA [I] (California [I]); Mexico [I]; Honduras [I]; Costa Rica [I]; Hispaniola [I]
12 POR 21 azo mdr 76 usa 79 mex 80 cos hon 81 his
Remarks: vulgare agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum grandiflorum DC.; Prodr [A. DC.]. 6: 47 (1838), nom. inval.
= Chrysanthemum lacustre Brot.; Fl. Lusit. 1: 379 (1804)
= Chrysanthemum latifolium (Willd.) Baksay; Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hungar., n. s. 8: 161 (1957)
= Leucanthemum latifolium (Willd.) DC.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 6: 47 (1838)
= Matricaria lacustris (Brot.) Poir.; Lam., Encycl., Suppl. 3: 608 (1814)
= Phalacrodiscus latifolius (Willd.) Sch.Bip.; Webb & Berthel. Phyt. Canar. 2: 245 (1850)
= Pyrethrum latifolium Willd.; Enum. Hort. Berol. 904 (1809)
= Pyrethrum maximum Hoffmanns.; Verz. Pfl. Nachtr. 2: 189 (1826)
= Tanacetum latifolium (Willd.) Sch.Bip.; Tanacet. 35 (1844)
species :
Leucanthemum legraeanum (Rouy) B.Bock & J.-M.Tison; Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest 43: 210 (2012)
Distribution: France
12 FRA
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. legraeanum Rouy; Rouy & Foucaud, Fl. France 8: 274 (1903)
species :
Leucanthemum ligusticum Marchetti, R.Bernardello, Melai & Peruzzi; Phytotaxa 66: 28 (2012)
Distribution: Italy
13 ITA
species :
Leucanthemum lithopolitanicum (E.Mayer) Polatschek; Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. cxiii. 140 (1966)
Distribution: SE-Austria; Slovenia (N of Ljubljana)
11 AUT 13 SLV
Remarks: atratum agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum atratum subsp. lithopolitanicum E.Mayer
= Leucanthemum atratum subsp. lithopolitanicum (E.Mayer) Horvatic; Acta Bot. Croat. 22: 208 (1963)
species :
Leucanthemum maestracense Vogt & F.H.Hellw.; Ruizia 10: 172 (1991), nom. nov.
Distribution: EC-Spain
12 SPA
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. vogtii O.Bolòs & Vigo; Fl. Paisos Catalans 3: 815 (1996)
species :
Leucanthemum maximum (Ramond) DC.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 6: 46 (1838)
Name: Große Margerite (DE), Shasta Daisy (EN)
Distribution: England [I]; Germany [I]; Poland [I]; N-Spain (Pyrenees, Cordillera Cantabrica); SW-France; Italy [I]; Belarus [I]; China [I]; Myanmar [I]; Vietnam [I]; New Zealand [I]; Chatham Isl. [I]; USA [I] (Alabama [I], California [I], Wyoming [I]); Mexico [I]; Costa Rica [I]; Cuba [I]; Puerto Rico [I]; Colombia [I]; Ecuador [I]; Bolivia [I]
10 grb 11 ger pol 12 FRA SPA 13 ita 14 blr 36 chi 41 mya vie 51 ctm nzl 73 usa 76 usa 78 usa 79 mex 80 cos 81 cub pue 82 clm 83 bol ecu
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum burbankii Makino; J. Jap. Bot. 6: 31 (1929)
= Chrysanthemum grandiflorum Lapeyr.; Hist. Abr. Pl. Pyr. 527 (1813)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum subsp. maximum (Ramond) P.Fourn.; Quatre Fl. France: 974 (1939)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. maximum (Ramond) Fiori; Fiori et al., Fl. Anal. Italia 3: 240 (1903)
= Chrysanthemum maximum Ramond; Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 2: 140 (1800)
= Leucanthemum lawatum Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur. Suppl. 2(1): 169 (1889)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. maximum (Ramond) O.Bolòs & Vigo; Collect. Bot., 17(1): 91 (1987 publ. 1988)
= Matricaria maxima (Ramond) Poir.; Encyc. Suppl. 3: 600 (1814)
= Phalacrodiscus maximus (Ramond) Less.; Syn. Gen. Compos. 253 (1832)
= Pontia grandis Bubani; Fl. Pyren. 2: 222 (1899)
= Tanacetum leucanthemum var. maximum (Ramond) Rchb.f.; Rchb., Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. 16: 50 (1854)
= Tanacetum maximum (Ramond) Sch.Bip.; Tanacet. 35 (1844)
species :
Leucanthemum meridionale Le Grand; Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 28: 56 (1881)
Distribution: SC-France
12 FRA
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. meridionale (Legrand) Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur., Suppl. 2(1): 169 (1889)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. meridionale (Legrand) Rouy; Rouy & Foucaud, Fl. France 8: 274 (1903)
species :
Leucanthemum monspeliense (L.) H.J.Coste; Fl. Franc. 2. 342 (1903)
Distribution: S- & SC-France
12 FRA
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum cebennense DC. ex Steud.; Nomencl. Bot. 1: 192, 193 (1821)
= Chrysanthemum monspeliense L.; Sp. Pl. 889 (1753)
= Leucanthemum cebennense DC.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 6: 48 (1838)
= Leucanthemum cebennense var. calvum Rouy; Rouy & Foucaud, Fl. France 8: 275 (1903)
= Leucanthemum palmatum Lam.; Fl. Franc. 3: 138 (1779)
= Leucanthemum varians Martrin-Donos; Pl. Crit. Tarn, 30 (1862)
= Matricaria monspeliensis (L.) Desr.; Lam., Encycl. 3: 733 (1792)
= Phalacrodiscus cebennensis (DC.) Sch.Bip.; Webb & Berthel. Phyt. Canar. 2: 245 (1850)
= Phalacrodiscus monspeliensis (L.) Sch.Bip.; Ueb. Tanacet. 44 (1844)
= Tanacetum monspeliense (L.) Sch.Bip.; Tanacet. 35 (1844)
= Tanacetum monspeliense var. cebennense (DC.) Fenzl; Verh. Zool.-Bot. Vereins Wien 3: 347 (1853)
species :
Leucanthemum montserratianum Vogt; Ruizia 10: 191 (1991)
Distribution: NE-Spain (Montserrat)
12 SPA
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. montserratianum (Vogt) O.Bolòs & Vigo; Fl. Paisos Catalans 3: 814 (1995)
species :
Leucanthemum pachyphyllum Marchi & Illum.; Ann. Bot. (Italy) 33: 175 (1974 publ.1975), nom. nov.
Distribution: Italy; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Serbia; Kosovo
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. crassifolium Fiori; Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s.,18: 491 (1911)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. crassifolium (Fiori) Horvatic; Acta Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb. 10: 81 (1935), nom. illeg.
species :
Leucanthemum pallens (J.Gay ex Perreym.) DC.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 6: 46 (1838)
Distribution: Spain; France; Italy; San Marino; Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Montenegro; Serbia; Kosovo; Albania; Bulgaria
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum hispidum Rich. ex DC.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 6: 47 (1838)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum subsp. pallens (J.Gay ex Perreym.) Braun-Blanq.; Bull. Géogr. Bot. 28: 44 (1918)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. pallens (J.Gay ex Perreym.) Fiori; Fiori et al., Fl. Anal. Italia 3: 240 (1903)
= Chrysanthemum montanum var. pallens (J.Gay ex Perreym.) Mutel; Fl. Franç. Herbor. 2: 154 (1835)
= Chrysanthemum pallens J.Gay ex Perreym.; Guill. Arch. Bot. 2: 545 (1833)
= Chrysanthemum sylvaticum Jauvy ex DC.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 6: 47 (1838)
= Leucanthemum atratum subsp. pallens (J.Gay ex Perreym.) Rouy; Rouy & Foucaud, Fl. France 8: 269 (1903)
= Leucanthemum candolleanum Martrin-Donos; Fl. Tarn 1: 356 (1864)
= Leucanthemum heterophyllum Schur ex Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur. 370 (1879)
= Leucanthemum vulgare proles pallens (J.Gay ex Perreym.) Samp.; Lista Esp. Herb. Port.: 132 (1913)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. pallens (J.Gay ex Perreym.) Bonnier & Layens; Tabl. Syn. Pl. Vasc. France: 166 (1894)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. pallidum (Fiori) Briq. & Cavill.; Burnat, Fl. Alpes Marit. 6: 93 (1916)
= Phalacrodiscus pallens (J.Gay ex Perreym.) Sch.Bip.; Webb & Berthel., Hist. Nat. Iles Canaries 3(2
= Pontia pallens (J.Gay ex Perreym.) Bubani; Fl. Pyren. 2: 223 (1899)
= Tanacetum pallens (J.Gay ex Perreym.) Sch.Bip.; Tanaceteen: 35 (1844)
species :
Leucanthemum platylepis Borbás; Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 28: 259 (1878)
Distribution: Italy; Croatia; Serbia; Kosovo
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum platylepis (Borbás) Fritsch; Exkursionsfl. Österr. ed. 2, 623 (1909), in clavi
= Leucanthemum atratum subsp. platylepis (Borbás) Heywood; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 71: 272 (1976)
= Leucanthemum ceratophylloides subsp. platylepis (Borbás) Hayek
species :
Leucanthemum pluriflorum Pau; Bol. Soc. Aragon Ci. Nat. 1: 31 (1902)
Distribution: NW-Spain
12 SPA
species :
Leucanthemum pseudosylvaticum (Vogt) Vogt & Oberpr.; Ann. Bot. (Oxford) 111(6): 1121 (2013)
Distribution: Portugal; C- & W-Spain
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum ircutianum subsp. pseudosylvaticum Vogt; Ruizia 10: 134 (1991)
species :
Leucanthemum pyrenaicum Vogt, Konowalik & Oberpr.; Molec. Phylogen. Evol. 92: 325 (2015), nom. nov.
Distribution: NE-Spain; Andorra; SW-France
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum barrelieri DC.; Prodr [A. DC.]. 6: 68 (1838)
= Leucanthemum barrelieri (Dufour ex DC.) Timb.-Lagr.; H. J. A. Rodet, Bot. Médic. Agric., éd. 2: 447 (1872)
= Leucanthemum ceratophylloides var. barrelieri (Dufour ex DC.) Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur.: 371 (1879)
= Leucanthemum gaudinii subsp. barrelieri (Dufour ex DC.) Vogt; Ruizia 10: 89 (1991)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. barrelieri (Dufour ex DC.) O.Bolòs & Vigo; Fl. Paisos Catalans 3: 816 (1995)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. pyrenaicum Rouy; Rouy & Foucaud, Fl. France 8: 274 (1903)
= Pontia barrelieri (Dufour ex DC.) Bubani; Fl. Pyrenees. II. 219 (1899)
= Pyrethrum halleri var. barrelieri Dufour ex DC.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 6: 55 (1838)
species :
Leucanthemum rohlenae (Horvatic) Vogt & Greuter; Willdenowia 33: 37-43 (2003)
Distribution: Montenegro
13 MNT
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. rohlenae Horvatic; Acta Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb 10: 93 (1935)
species :
Leucanthemum rotundifolium (Waldst. & Kit.) DC.; Prodr [A. DC.]. 6: 46 (1838)
Distribution: Poland; Slovakia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Romania; Ukraine
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum rotundifolium Waldst. & Kit.; Descr. Icon. Pl. Hung. 3: 262 (1806-1812)
= Leucanthemum rotundifolium (Waldst. & Kit.) Schur; Enum. Pl. Transsilv.: 339 (1866)
= Leucanthemum waldsteinii (Sch.Bip.) Pouzar; Preslia 47: 158 (1975)
= Matricaria rotundifolia (Waldst. & Kit.) Poir.; Lam., Encycl., Suppl. 3: 608 (1814)
= Pyrethrum waldsteinii (Sch.Bip.) Janka; Bot. Jahresber. (Just) 4: 1062 (1878)
= Tanacetum rotundifolium (Waldst. & Kit.) Simonk.; Enum. Fl. Transsilv.: 313 (1887)
= Tanacetum waldsteinii Sch.Bip.; Tanaceteen: 35 (1844)
species :
Leucanthemum subglaucum De Laramb.; Bull. Soc. Litt. Sci. Castres 1861: 446 (1861)
Distribution: SC-France; SE-France (Alpes-Maritimes)
12 FRA
Remarks: vulgare agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum subglaucum (De Laramb.) Braun-Blanq.; Commun. Stat. Int. Géobot. Médit. Montpellier 20: 312 (1933)
= Leucanthemum maximum subsp. subglaucum (De Laramb.) Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur., Suppl. 2: 169 (1889)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. subglaucum (De Laramb.) Bonnier; Fl. Ill. France 5: 95 (1922)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. subglaucum (De Laramb.) Rouy; Rouy & Foucaud, Fl. France 8: 273 (1903)
species :
Leucanthemum sylvaticum (Hoffmanns. & Link) Nyman; Syll. 11 (1854 publ. 1855)
subspecies :
subsp. sylvaticum
Distribution: NW-Spain; N- & C-Portugal; Azores (Faial, Azores, Sao Jorge, Sao Miguel, Sta. Maria)
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. sylvaticum Brot.; Fl. Lusit. 1: 377 (1804)
= Chrysanthemum sylvaticum (Brot.) Hoffmanns. & Link; Handbuch 1: 755 (1829)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. sylvaticum (Brot.) Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur.: 371 (1879)
subspecies :
subsp. merinoi (Vogt & Castrov.) Vogt & Oberpr.; Ann. Bot. (Oxford) 111(6): 1121 (2013)
Distribution: N-Portugal; NW-Spain
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum merinoi Vogt & S.Castrov.; An. Jard. Bot. Madrid, 45(2): 567 (1988 publ. 1989)
species :
Leucanthemum tridactylites (A.Kern. & Huter) Bazzich.; Ann. Bot. (Rome) 29: 97 (1967-1969 publ. 1972)
Distribution: Italy (C- & S-Appennini)
13 ITA
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum tridactylites (A.Kern. & Huter) Fiori; Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s. 18: 492 (1911)
= Leucanthemum atratum subsp. tridactylites (A.Kern. & Huter ex Rigo) Heywood; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 71: 272 (1976)
= Tanacetum tridactylites A.Kern. & Huter; Exsicc. (Itin. Ital.) 2: no. 472 (1875)
species :
Leucanthemum virgatum (Desr.) Clos; Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 17: 185 (1870)
Distribution: France; Italy
12 FRA 13 ITA
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. discoideum Arcang.; Comp. Fl. Ital.: 352 (1882)
= Matricaria virgata Desr.; Lam., Encycl. 3: 737 (1792)
species :
Leucanthemum visianii (Gjurasin) Vogt & Greuter; Willdenowia 33: 37-43 (2003)
Distribution: Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Montenegro
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum croaticum Horvatic; Acta Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb. 3: 89 (1928)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. laciniatum Vis.; Fl. Dalm. 2: 866 (1847), preocc.
= Chrysanthemum visianii Gjurasin; Glasnik Hrvatsk. Prirodoslovn. Drustva 32: 84 (1920)
= Leucanthemum atratum subsp. croaticum Horvatic
= Leucanthemum croaticum (Horvatic) Horvatic; Acta Bot. Croatica 22: 209 (1963)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. laciniatum (Vis.) Briq. & Cav.
species :
Leucanthemum vulgare Lam.; Fl. Franc. 2: 137 (1779) s. str.
subspecies :
subsp. vulgare
Name: Frühe Margerite, Fiederöhrchen-Margerite (DE)
Distribution: England; Northern Ireland; Ireland; Belgium; Germany (Brandenburg, Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Schleswig-Holstein, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen); Switzerland; Liechtenstein; Austria; Poland; Czech Republic; Slovakia; Hungary; Portugal; Spain; Andorra; France; Channel Isl.; Sardinia; Italy; Sicily; San Marino; Slovenia; Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Montenegro; Serbia; Kosovo; North Macedonia; European Turkey; N-Greece (mountains); Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Belarus; C-European Russia; E-European Russia; European Russia [I]; N-European Russia; NW-European Russia (incl. Kaliningrad region); Moldova; Ukraine; Crimea; Azores [I] (Santa Maria Isl. [I], Sao Miguel Isl. [I], Faial [I]); Madeira [I] (Madeira Isl. [I]); Cameroon [I]; Ethiopia [I]; Eritrea [I]; South Africa [I]; Mauritius [I]; Siberia (Altai, Buryatia, Chita, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Tuva, W-Siberia, Yakutia); Russian Far East (Amur, Kamchatka, Kuril Isl., Primorye, Sakhalin); Kazakhstan; Uzbekistan; Kyrgyzstan; Tajikistan; Armenia; Turkey (N-Anatolia, NE-Anatolia, NW-Anatolia: Bithynia); Iran (Iranian Aserbaijan); China [I]; South Korea [I]; Pakistan [I]; Nepal [I]; India [I] (Himachal Pradesh [I], Uttar Pradesh [I], West Bengal [I], Jammu & Kashmir [I]); Australia [I] (South Australia [I], New South Wales [I], Victoria [I], Tasmania [I]); New Zealand [I]; Chatham Isl. [I]; Auckland Isl. [I]; Hawaii [I] (Maui [I], Hawaii Isl. [I]); Alaska [I]; Canada [I] (Alberta [I], British Columbia [I], Ontario [I], Québec [I], Saskatchewan [I]); USA [I] (Arizona [I], Arkansas [I], California [I], Colorado [I], Connecticut [I], Florida [I], Idaho [I], Illinois [I], Indiana [I], Iowa [I], Kansas [I], Massachusetts [I], Michigan [I], Missouri [I], Montana [I], Nevada [I], New Mexico [I], New York [I], North Dakota [I], Ohio [I], Oklahoma [I], Oregon [I], Pennsylvania [I], South Carolina [I], South Dakota [I], Tennessee [I], Utah [I], Virginia [I], Washington [I], West Virginia [I], Wisconsin [I], Wyoming [I]); Mexico [I]; Guatemala [I]; El Salvador [I]; Honduras [I]; Costa Rica [I]; Cuba [I]; Dominican Republic [I]; Haiti [I]; Colombia [I]; Peru [I]; Bolivia [I]; Uruguay [I]; Argentina [I]; Chile [I] (Metropolitana de Santiago [I], O´Higgins [I], Maule [I], Ñuble [I], Biobío [I], Araucanía [I], Los Rios [I], Los Lagos [I], Magallanes [I]); Falkland Isl. [I]; Tristan da Cunha [I]
10 GRB IRE 11 AUT BGM CZE GER HUN LIE POL SLO SWI 12 ADO CIS FRA POR SAR SPA 13 BIH CRO GRC ITA KOS MNT NMA SIC SLV SMA SRB TUE 14 BLR EST KRY LAT LIT MLD RUS UKR 21 azo mdr 23 cmn 24 eri eth 27 saf 29 mau 30 SIB 31 RFE 32 KAZ KGZ TZK UZB 33 ARM 34 IRN TUR 36 chi 38 kor 40 ind nep pak 50 aus 51 auc ctm nzl 63 haw 70 ask 71 cdn 72 cdn 73 usa 74 usa 75 usa 76 usa 77 usa 78 usa 79 mex 80 cos els gua hon 81 cub his 82 clm 83 bol per 85 arg cle uru 91 fal tdc
Remarks: vulgare agg. There is considerable confusion between this and L. ircutianum (which is cytologically separate). Many synonyms and distribution listed here might refer to L. ircutianum, which is the more frequent species. L. praecox might also be a separate species.
Synonyms: hidden
= Bellidioides vulgaris Vaill.; 549 (1754), opus utique oppr.
= Bellis major Garsault; Fig. Pl. Anim. Med. t. 167 (1764)
= Chamaemelum leucanthemum (L.) E.H.L.Krause; Sturm, Fl. Deutschland, ed. 2, 13: 210 (1905)
= Chrysanthemum dentatum Gilib.; Fl. Lit. Inch. 1: 219 (1782), opus utique oppr.
= Chrysanthemum lanceolatum Vest; Flora 3: 4 (1820), nom. illeg.
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum f. tubiflorum J.Henriksson; Bot. Not. 1911: 187 (1911)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L.; Sp. Pl. 2: 888 (1753)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum subsp. triviale (Gaudin) Hegi; 611 (1928)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. autumnale St.-Amans; Fl. Agen.: 355 (1821)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. denudatum Boenn.; Prodr. Fl. Monast. Westphal.: 257 (1824)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. hirsutum Lej.; Lej. & Court., Comp. Fl. Belg. 3: 147 (1836)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. incisum J.J.Schmitz & Regel; 260 (1841)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. integrifolium Heer; Mitth. Geb. Theor. Erdk. 1: 436 (1836)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. nanum Heer; Mitth. Geb. Theor. Erdk. 1: 436 (1836)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. silvaticum H.Post; Bot. Not. 1844: 121 (1844)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. subpinnatifidum Fernald; Rhodora 5: 181 (1903)
= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. triviale (Gaudin) Moritzi; 375 (1832)
= Chrysanthemum pratense Salisb.; Prodr. Stirp. Chap. Allerton 203 (1796)
= Chrysanthemum sylvestre Willd.; Enum. Pl. Suppl. (Willd.) 60 (1814)
= Chrysanthemum trapezuntinum Hand.-Mazz.; Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 23: 194 (1909)
= Chrysanthemum vulgare (Lam.) Gaterau; Descr. Pl. Montaub. 149 (1789)
= Chrysanthemum vulgare (Lam.) Parsa; Fl. Iran 3: 264 (1949)
= Leucanthemum lanceolatum (Less.) DC.; Prodr [A. DC.]. 6: 47 (1838)
= Leucanthemum leucanthemum (L.) Rydb.; Britton et al. (eds.), N. Amer. Fl. 34(3): 235 (1916)
= Leucanthemum praecox (Horvatic) Horvatic; Acta Bot. Croat. 22: 212 (1963)
= Leucanthemum praecox var. autumnale (Saint-Amans) Villard; Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 80: 171 (1971)
= Leucanthemum praecox var. rhodopaeum Kuzmanov & R.H.Kestenova; Fitologiya 15: 10 (1980)
= Leucanthemum tubuliflorum Tenney; Am. Natural. 1: 389 (1867)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. heterophyllum (Willd.) Soó; Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung., 17(1- 2): 125 (1971 publ. 1972)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. multicaule A.P.Khokhr.; Byull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prir., Biol., 96(4): 109 (1991)
= Leucanthemum vulgare subsp. praecox Horvatic; Acta Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb. 10: 87 (1935)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. ageratifolium (Pau) Font Quer; Esayo Fitogeogr. de Bajes: 130 (1914)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. autumnale (St.-Amans) Briq. & Cavill.; Burnat, Fl. Alpes Marit. 6: 90 (1916)
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. sinuatum Timb.-Lagr.; Bull. Soc. Dauphin. Échange Pl. 1: 230 (1879)
= Matricaria leucanthemum (L.) Desr.; Encycl. 3(2): 731-732 (1792)
= Matricaria leucanthemum (L.) Scop.; Fl. Carniol. ed. II. 2: 147 (1771)
= Phalacrodiscus lanceolatus Less.; Syn. Gen. Compos.: 253 (1832)
= Pontia vulgaris (Lam.) Bubani; Fl. Pyren. 2: 221 (1899), nom. superfl.
= Pyrethrum leucanthemum (L.) Franch.; Fl. Cher. & Loir. 307 (1885)
= Tanacetum affine Simonk.; Enum. Fl. Transsilv. 313 (1886)
= Tanacetum alpinum Simonk.; Enum. Fl. Transsilv. 313 (1886)
= Tanacetum auriculatum Simonk.; Enum. Fl. Transsilv. 313 (1886)
= Tanacetum coronulatum Simonk.; Enum. Fl. Transsilv. 313 (1886)
= Tanacetum leucanthemum (L.) Sch.Bip.; Tanaceteen 35 (1844)
= Tanacetum leucanthemum (L.) Simonk.; 313 (1887), isonym
= Tanacetum serotinum Simonk.; Enum. Fl. Transsilv. 312 (1886)
subspecies :
subsp. parviceps (Briq. & Cavill.) Vogt & Greuter; Willdenowia 33: 37-43 (2003)
Distribution: SE-France (Alpes Maritimes)
12 FRA
Synonyms: hidden
= Leucanthemum vulgare var. parviceps Briq. & Cavill.; Burnat, Fl. Alpes Marit. 6: 101 (1916)
= Leucanthemum pallens subsp. parviceps (Briq. & Cavill.) Favarger; Anales Inst. Bot. Cavanilles 32: 1235 (1975)
species :
Leucanthemum ×aramisii Flor.Wagner, Vogt & Oberpr.; Molec. Ecol. 26: 4280 (2017)
Distribution: Europe
Remarks: Leucanthemum ligusticum x L. vulgare
species :
Leucanthemum ×athosii Flor.Wagner, Vogt & Oberpr.; Molec. Ecol. 26: 4280 (2017)
Distribution: Europe
Remarks: Leucanthemum monspeliense x L. vulgare
species :
Leucanthemum ×marchii Konowalik, Vogt & Oberpr.; Willdenowia 48(2): 223 (2018)
Distribution: Italy; etc.
13 ITA
Remarks: Leucanthemum glaucophyllum x L. pallens
species :
Leucanthemum ×pawlowskii Piêkos; Fragm. Flor. Geobot., 16(2): 319, 323 (1970)
Distribution: Poland; Slovakia; etc.
Remarks: Leucanthemum rotundifolium x vulgare var. alpicola
species :
Leucanthemum ×porthosii Flor.Wagner, Vogt & Oberpr.; Molec. Ecol. 26: 4280 (2017)
Distribution: Europe
Remarks: Leucanthemum legraeanum x L. vulgare
species :
Leucanthemum ×superbum (Bergmans ex J.W.Ingram) D.H.Kent; Watsonia, 18(1): 89 (1990)
Name: Garten-Margerite (DE)
Distribution: of cultivated origin; Germany [I]; Slovakia [I]; Channel Isl. [I]; Madagascar [I]; Bhutan [I]; Australia [I] (SW-Western Australia [I], SE-South Australia [I], SE-New South Wales [I], Victoria [I]); Lord Howe Isl. [I]; New Zealand [I]; Hawaii [I]; Canada [I]; USA [I]; Mexico [I]; Guatemala [I]; El Salvador [I]; Honduras [I]; Costa Rica [I]; Panama [I]; Hispaniola [I]; Colombia [I]; Ecuador [I]; Peru [I]; Brazil [I]; Argentina [I]
11 ger slo 12 cis 29 mdg 40 bhu 50 aus lhi 51 nzl 63 haw 79 mex 80 cos els gua hon pan 81 his 82 clm 83 ecu per 84 bra 85 arg
Remarks: Leucanthemum lacustre x maximum
Synonyms: hidden
= Chrysanthemum ×superbum Bergmans ex J.W.Ingram; Baileya, 19(4): 167 (1975)
= Chrysanthemum ×superbum var. laciniatum Bergmans; 219 (1939), nom. inval.
= Chrysanthemum ×superbum var. ligulosum Bergmans; 219 (1939), nom. inval.
= Leucanthemum ×superbum (Bergmans ex J.W.Ingram) Soreng & E.A.Cope; Baileya 23(3): 155 (1991), isonym
species :
Leucanthemum ×valentinum Pau; Bol. Soc. Aragonesa Ci. Nat. 1: 48 (1902)
Distribution: Spain
12 SPA
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