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Ver. 25.02
Feb. 8th, 2025

235.0000 Family Fabaceae Lindl.; Edwards´ Bot. Reg. 22: ad t. 1845 (1836), nom. cons., nom. alt.
728 genera, ca. 22.300 spp. Phylogeny and new subfamily system: Azani et al. (LPWG) (2017)
Species listed in database: 22392; hybrids: 149
= Acaciaceae E.Mey.; Comm. Pl. Afr. Austr. [Meyer] 1: 164 (1836)
= Aspalathaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 51 (1820)
= Astragalaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 229 (1820)
= Bauhiniaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 67 (1820)
= Caesalpiniaceae R.Br.; M. Flinders, Voy. Terra Austral. 2: 551 (1814), nom. cons.
= Cassiaceae Vest; Anleit. Stud. Bot. 270, 291 (1818)
= Ciceraceae Steele; Handb. Field Bot.: xx, 63 (1847)
= Coronillaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 162 (1820)
= Cytisaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 229 (1820)
= Dalbergiaceae Mart.; Consp. Regn. Veg. [Martius] 34 (1835)
= Daleaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 230 (1820)
= Detariaceae (DC.) J.Hess; Uebers. Phan. Nat. Pfl.-Fam. 46 (1832)
= Galedupaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 277 (1820)
= Geoffroeaceae Mart.; Consp. Regn. Veg. [Martius] 34 (1835)
= Hedysaraceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 230 (1820)
= Inocarpaceae Zoll.; Syst. Verz. Ind. Archip. [Zollinger] 2: 117 (1854-1855)
= Lathyraceae Burnett; Outlines Bot. [Burnett] 660, 1092, 1138 (1835)
= Leguminosae Juss.; Gen. Pl. [Jussieu] 345 (1789), nom. cons.
= Lotaceae Oken; Lehrb. Naturgesch. 2(2.2): xv, 727 (1826)
= Mimosaceae R.Br.; M. Flinders, Voy. Terra Austral. 2: 551 (1814), nom. cons.
= Papilionaceae Giseke; Prael. Ord. Nat. Pl. 415 (1792), nom. cons., nom. alt.
= Phaseolaceae Mart.; Consp. Regn. Veg. [Martius] 34 (1835)
= Robiniaceae Vest; Anleit. Stud. Bot. 270, 291 (1818)
= Sophoraceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 229 (1820)
= Swartziaceae Bartl.; Ord. Nat. Pl. 231, 413 (1830)
= Tamarindaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 622 (1820)
= Trifoliaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 230 (1820)
= Viciaceae Oken; Lehrb. Naturgesch. 2(2.2): xv (1826)
235.7598 Genus Spartium L.; Sp. Pl. [Linnaeus] 708 (1753)
Distribution: Canary Isl., Mediterranean (excl. Cyprus and Egypt), Crimea
Species listed in database: 1
= Spartianthus Link; Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 2: 223 (1822)
species :
Spartium junceum L.; Sp. Pl. [Linnaeus] 708 (1753)
Name: Binsenginster, Pfriemenginster (DE); Spanish Broom (EN)
Distribution: England [I] (England [I], Wales [I], Isle of Man [I], Scotland [I]); Germany [I]; Portugal [I]; Spain; Gibraltar; Baleares; France; Channel Isl. [I] (Alderney [I]); Corsica; Sardinia; Italy; Sicily; Isole Pelagie (Lampedusa); Malta; San Marino; Slovenia; Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Montenegro; Serbia; Kosovo; Albania; Romania [I]; Bulgaria [I]; European Turkey; Greece (widespread, incl. most islands); Crete; Morocco; Algeria; Tunisia; Libya; Azores (Santa Maria Isl., Terceira, Graciosa, Sao Jorge, Pico, Faial, Flores Isl.); Madeira [I] (Madeira Isl. [I]); Canary Isl. [I] (Gran Canaria [I], Tenerife [I], La Gomera [I], Hierro [I], La Palma [I]); Ethiopia [I]; Kenya [I]; Tanzania [I]; Angola [I]; South Africa [I]; Turkmenistan [I]; Uzbekistan [I]; Tajikistan [I]; Georgia [Caucasus]; Armenia [I]; Azerbaijan; East Aegaean Isl. (widespread, incl. Rhodos); Turkey (N-Anatolia, NE-Anatolia, NW-Anatolia: Bithynia, S-Anatolia, SSW-Anatolia, SW-Anatolia, W-Anatolia, WN-Anatolia); Iraq (NE-Iraq, SE-Iraq: Mesopotamia); Lebanon (Antilebanon, C-Lebanon, coastal W-Lebanon); Syria (coastal W-Syria, W-Syrian Mountains); Israel (Rift Valley, N-Israel); China [I]; Japan [I]; Taiwan [I]; Pakistan [I]; Bhutan [I]; India [I] (Tamil Nadu [I]); Sri Lanka [I]; Java [I]; Australia [I] (South Australia [I]); New Zealand [I]; Hawaii [I] (Kauai [I]); USA [I] (California [I], Oregon [I], Washington State [I]); Mexico [I]; Colombia [I]; Ecuador [I]; Peru [I]; Bolivia [I]; Uruguay [I]; Argentina [I]; Chile [I] (Arica y Parinacota [I], Antofagasta [I], Valparaíso [I], Metropolitana de Santiago [I], O´Higgins [I], Maule [I], Ñuble [I], Biobío [I], Araucanía [I])
10 grb 11 ger 12 BAL cis COR FRA GIB por SAR SPA 13 ALB BIH bul CRO GRC ITA KOS KRI MLT MNT PEL rom SIC SLV SMA SRB TUE 20 ALG LBY MOR TUN 21 AZO cny mdr 24 eth 25 ken tan 26 ang 27 saf 32 tkm tzk uzb 33 arm AZE GEO 34 EAI IRQ ISR LEB SYR TUR 36 chi 38 jap tai 40 bhu ind pak srl 42 jaw 50 aus 51 nzl 63 haw 73 usa 76 usa 79 mex 82 clm 83 bol ecu per 85 arg cle uru
Synonyms: hidden
= Cytisus junceus (L.) Vuk.; Rad Jugos. Akad. Zagreb. 31: 103 (1875)
= Genista acutifolia (Lindl.) Spach; Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Sér. 3, 3: 156 (1845)
= Genista americana (Steud.) Spach; Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Sér. 3, 3: 157 (1845)
= Genista hispanica Garsault; Fig. Pl. Méd., t. 286 (1764), opus utique rej.
= Genista hispanica Thell.; Bull. Herb. Boissier, Sér. 2, 8: 790 (1908) non L. 1753
= Genista juncea (L.) Desf.; Fl. Atlant. 2: 137 (1798), isonym
= Genista juncea (L.) Scop.; Fl. Carniol., ed. 2, 2: 50 (1772)
= Genista odorata Moench; Methodus [Moench] 144 (1794), nom. illeg.
= Genista odoratissima (D.Don ex Steud.) Spach; Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Sér. 3, 3: 155 (1845)
= Spartianthus americanus Steud.; Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2, 2: 614 (1840)
= Spartianthus junceus (L.) Link; Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 2: 223 (1822)
= Spartium acutifolium Lindl.; Bot. Reg., t. 1974 (1837)
= Spartium americanum (Steud.) Meyen; Reise Erde 1: 445 (1834)
= Spartium junceum f. ochroleucum (Sprenger) Rehder; Bibl. Cult. Trees 355 (1949)
= Spartium junceum var. multiplex Burgsd.; 245 (1787)
= Spartium odoratissimum D.Don ex Steud.; Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2, 2: 615 (1840)
= Spartium odoratum (Moench) Dulac; Fl. Hautes-Pyrénees 275 (1867)
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A complete, synonymic checklist of the Higher Plants of the World

Version 25.02 (February 8th, 2025)

Covering 356,031 accepted species,
8,748 hybrids, 51,756 accepted infraspecific taxa and 1,002,320 synonyms,
in total 1,418,855* names

[*about 25,000 dubious, "unplaced" names and about 4,000 invalid names (Art. 24.3) like "typicus" are deliberately omitted]

With complete, detailed distribution data (countries and regions) and literature references

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With 38,209 pictures of 15,787 species

Assembled through 40 years independently from other databases

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