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Ver. 19.2
April 17th, 2024

096.0000 Family Alismataceae Vent.; Tabl. Règne Vég. 2: 157 (1799), nom. cons.
15 genera, ca. 115 spp. Inclusion of Limnocharitaceae following Stevens et al. (APG Website)
Species listed in database: 115; hybrids: 7
= Alismateae Dumort.; Fl. Belg.: 135 (1827)
= Alismatinae Pichon; Notul. Syst. 12: 181 (1946)
= Alismatineae Engl.; Syllabus, ed. 2: 73 (1898)
= Alismatoideae Arn.; Botany: 136 (1832)
= Burnatiinae Pichon; Notul. Syst. 12: 182 (1946)
= Damasoiinae Pichon; Notul. Syst. 12: 182 (1946)
= Damasoniaceae Nakai; Chosakuronbun Mokuroku [Ord. Fam. Trib. Nov.]: 213 (1943)
= Damasonieae Parl.; Fl. Ital. 3: 600 (1858)
= Damasonioideae Rouy; Fl. France 13: 9 (1912)
= Elattosinae Pichon; Notul. Syst. 12: 183 (1946)
= Limnocharitaceae Takht. ex Cronquist; Integr. Syst. Class. Fl. Pl.: 1048 (1981)
= Limnochariteae Pichon; Notul. Syst. 12: 183 (1946)
= Limnocharitinae Pichon; Notul. Syst. 12: 183 (1946)
= Luroninae Pichon; Notul. Syst. 12: 181 (1946)
= Machaerocarpinae Pichon; Notul. Syst. 12: 182 (1946)
= Sagittarieae Dumort.; Fl. Belg.: 135 (1827)
= Sagittariinae Pichon; Notul. Syst. 12: 180 (1946)
= Sagittarioideae Luerss.; Grundz. Bot., ed. 5: 446 (1893)
= Tenagocharitinae Pichon; Notul. Syst. 12: 183 (1946)
= Wiesnerieae Engl.; Syllabus, ed. 1: 67 (1892)
096.0004 Genus Alisma L.; Sp. Pl. 1: 342 (1753)
Distribution: Temperate Northern Hemisphere, esp. (7) Russia, Northern Caucasus, Middle Asia, Australia
Species listed in database: 9; hybrids: 3
= Helanthium Engelm. ex Benth. & Hook.f.; Gen. 3: 1005 (1883)
= Plantaginastrum Heist. ex Fabr.; Enum.: 61 (1759)

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Version 19.2 (April 17th, 2024)

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